More than ever, parents are now eager to provide quality education to their child. But, for this to happen, you must know how to choose a good school for your child. Here are some tips on what to pay attention to finding the best CBSE School or CBSE affiliated school for your child:

Practical & Theoretical experience: India's top CBSE schools are not focused only on academics. They provide opportunities for various activities and field trips, both of which are essential to a student's development.
Good reputation for academics: It should be considered good for any school. The school's academic track record and awards for excellence have determined whether a school will be among the top 10 CBSE schools in India or your city.

State-of-the-art facilities: The infrastructure provided by the school plays a very important role in the development of a child's skills. A good CBSE school focuses on providing the best facilities to its students to create a rich learning environment.

Avenues for overall development: A good CBSE school ( will invest time and effort in the overall development of its students by encouraging extracurricular activities and competitions.

Nominal fees structure: While a good CBSE school focuses on quality education and development of the child, the fee charged is nominal. As a parent, you need to understand that your child should get more than your money's worth.

While trying to choose a school for your child, you should also try to understand if your child will:
Enjoy the learning process: Learning continues after school. And, one of the goals of a good CBSE school is to instill a love for learning in a child. If school can instill a love for learning, you can ensure that your child will be on the road to success.

Feel challenged and strive to do better: You know you’ve chosen the right CBSE school if your child feels challenged to do better. The institution instils this feeling in your child through interesting activities and competitions. It is important for a child to strive to get better with the passing of each academic year.
Learn to respect his teachers: After parents, teachers are the greatest role models for a child. In fact, teachers play a critical role in shaping a child’s personality. A good CBSE school (
has teachers who inspire children to learn and become good individuals, thus earning their respect.

Get opportunities to develop non-academic skills: An ideal CBSE school would provide its students with opportunities to enhance their non-academic skills. Activities like singing, painting and sports help in the overall development of a child.

To sum up, you must be making the right choice by deciding to enroll your child in CBSE school. However, you need to be careful in choosing a school to ensure that it suits your child's needs. For this, it will go a long way in helping your child become a happy, confident and successful person. Therefore, along with the reputation of the school, make sure to keep in mind your child's skills and qualifications that he or she has an amazing.

Author's Bio: 

I work on Education for Sustainable Development and mostly focus my schooling programmes like Gyan Ganga on emphasizing on Basic Education keeping Generic Skills intact in the learner.