How to become a book reviewer you ask? Well that is easy. Let me tell you how to become a book reviewer.

First, you need a book. Not any book either. I recommend a book you love something that moves your heart positively or negatively. You need to be emotional in your review. Not enough to make people feel uncomfortable, but they need to feel your review as if they were reading the book as well.

Connecting with the reader is the number one way to be a quality book reviewer. I try to describe scenes in detail, ensure they understand my opinion and how it made me feel.

Second, you need a pencil and paper. You need to jot down notes as you read the book. Make sure you understand what you really liked and didn’t like before you try to put that into words. You also need to back up our review with examples from the book. The examples don’t need to be line by line, but they should be somewhat specific.

Third, you need a place to become a book reviewer. There are so many places for you to write book reviews online that it really depends why you want to become a book reviewer. If you are doing it for fun, use Goodreads. If you are semi-serious start your own blog on or If you are wanting to be a professional you need to get a webhost, your own URL, a fancy template, and probably a blog. Think about it hard since it is hard to switch between the two once you get going.

Fourth, you need readers. So you need to promote your reviews. Tell your friends and tell a stranger. Tell other blogs who reviewed the same book. Tell people who read books in that genre. Spread the word however you have to. If your reviews aren’t getting a full read (use statistics) or comments, maybe change your review style. Tell the author about your book review.

Fifth, get free books. You are bound to start getting book review requests which is awesome since you can read for free. This is the perk about being a book reviewer that is the best. Free reading makes life easier and gives you a wide selection of books that have never been read to get read by you. Read as much as you can and enjoy it.

Sixth, keep having fun. Don’t let being a book reviewer burn you out. It can easily start to feel like a job, but that isn’t good. Just slow down and take your time. You need to learn how to become a reviewer who can relax and take their time learning to review books on a great website.

Try new things and don’t quit. The how to become a reviewer is full of how not to give up. Not giving up is a big part of being a successful reviewer. So give it a try and good luck.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Smith is a content writer for Bookkus Publishing. The company was founded on using a crowd to choose which books to publish allowing better books to be chosen and giving quality feedback to authors. The company opened in September 2012 and is currently looking for readers who wish to become book reviewers on the site. Bookkus is always open for unsolicited manuscript submissions from aspiring authors.