If you know how to attract money, it makes everything else in your life a breeze. Just think about how much easier it would be for you to find the time to exercise, to purchase nutritious foods and to get your health in order.
Just think about how much easier it would be for you to devote time to building relationships if you knew the secret to how to make money and manifest prosperity. And just think about how much easier it would be for you to find the time and the resources to accomplish any goal if you just had more financial resources.
Yes, money isn't everything...but it's reasonably close to oxygen (quoted from Zig Ziglar), when you need it...you really need it. So let's look at three simple steps which will help you learn the secrets of how to attract money.
First, Decide and Expect
The very first step to learning how to attract money, before you do anything else, is deciding on an exact amount which you expect to receive by an exact deadline.
Now, don't be unreasonable about this and expect to have $1 million in three months if you've never made more than $20,000 a year. Just set a small goal for yourself like $10,000 in the next six months.
Once you achieve this, you'll have the confidence to move on to bigger and better things. Now, the secret to making this work is deciding that you're going to have the money without worrying about how you're going to do it.
This is because it's much easier to make money and or even manifest prosperity once you've decided that you're going to do it. Think about the last time you absolutely had to come up with a certain amount of money.
Did you do it?
If so, you probably had no idea how you were going to do it at first...you just knew that you had to do it and you decided that you were going to. As you'll soon discover, that expectation was what made all the difference.
Second, Get Obsessed
If you want to know how to attract money and you haven't been able to up to this point in your life, it's probably because you haven't become obsessed with your goal. Now, you don't want to get obsessed with money... that's not the point. Instead, set a specific goal for what you plan on doing with the money and get obsessed with the goal itself.
It can be putting $10,000 into an emergency fund so that you can start your own business or it can be buying a new car. No matter what it is, the goal is more important than the amount of money needed to achieve it.
Think about it, no one really wants money anyway...we want the things money can buy. Focusing on trying to make money alone will never build a strong desire. Instead, focus on the reason you want to make money or manifest prosperity, and become obsessed with that reason.
Third, Start Working with What You Have
As you're obsessing over your goal for how to attract money, it's important for you to start working as hard as you can to achieve your goal. Even if the strategy which you are currently applying is insufficient for earning the money, just keep focusing on your goal and eventually your subconscious mind will start presenting ideas to you.
When it does, it will be much easier for you to transfer the momentum which you have established by working hard with what you have. What you'll find is that having clear expectations and a burning obsession will help you to begin discovering the hidden opportunities which will make it possible for you to learn how to attract money.
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