God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance. The term "abundant life" comes from the Bible verse John 10:10b, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus said that. Jesus is One with Our Creator and He desires an abundant life for us.

How do you look at life? Do you believe the world is a hostile place to live in, are you pessimistic about your future, do you prefer to see the inequities and inconsistencies in this abundance-for-all philosophy? The way we observe the world we live in affects the way we look at life, an our perception of the world may make it impossible for us to have abundance, prosperity and success in our lives. Can you change this situation by simply changing the way you think and see things?

God is our Source, and He is perpetually serving and giving us all that we need. He can only work with us when we are in harmony with Him. In order to align our energies with His we need to be like Him: we need to serve and give. We can not have thoughts of scarcity and be asking God: Please send me more money, because this is interpreted as you're seeing yourself in a state of scarcity and will attract with your thoughts what you don't want: more scarcity. That's why God teach us to give away what we need, because that's how we will receive. If you need money, give away the little that you have and you will get back ten fold what you have given. If you feel unloved, give away your love: visit someone in a nursing home who is feeling lonely and unloved, and you will feel loved and fulfilled too.

Get rid of the concept of shortage, because God does not have a clue about such thing. Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change. We attract with our thoughts what we are thinking. We have to be constantly watching out and making sure we are thinking about what we want to happen and not the things we want to avoid. That is the reason why in the Bible, God says 386 times fear not, be not afraid, or be anxious for nothing, because the things we fear will happen to us. Feel deep within yourself and affirm in the present, you already have what you want and believe it will come to pass. That is the law of attraction: you will attract to your life whatever you are thinking about. So in order to attract success and abundance into your life, you need to think and feel in your soul, you are successful and you now have abundance in your life and be grateful and thankful to God for it. Do not doubt it for a moment and don't listen to any naysayers. Just do it! Change the way you think and you'll change your life!

Author's Bio: 

Born in Ouro Preto, MG Brasil, she graduated magna cum laude from OTTAWA UNIVERSITY as an ART TEACHER and from CHARIS BIBLE COLLEGE, where she completed her bible studies in 2010. She studied Strategic Intervention under Tony Robins and Cloe Madanes and she now has a very successful practice where she helps people from all walks of life to achieve success and realize their dreams.