It's no secret that you are your best critic, but have you ever considered that you are also your best motivator? Sometimes we wonder why no one is helping us or pushing us to pursue our dreams, but you have to push yourself before someone else will. Sure, you could hire a life coach to help you get your life in order, but why hire someone when you can encourage yourself? No one really knows your goals better than you, and instead of taking extra time to explain your life dreams to someone else, it is better to just coach yourself.

When you are focused on an idea, you are really the only person who can turn your idea into a reality. So many times we waste precious hours, days, months and even years waiting for someone to come along and say, "Hey! You need to work hard and get your life in order!" But no one can really do the work except for us. It's important to remember that people are there to support us, but we can't expect them to carry us. We can't just be dead weight and think that others are going to help us all of the time. Because the bottom line is, when the going gets tough, people fend for themselves. What does this mean? It means that when it comes down to it, people are always going to put helping themselves ahead of helping others. It's just human nature, and this isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, if we've been accustomed to everyone doing things for us, it can be quite the adjustment to do things on our own.

Another reason it's important to self coach is because we like to blame others if things don't go the way we'd hoped. However, self coaching this eliminates the need for a scapegoat, and we can only blame ourselves if things don't work out. Maybe you're thinking, "Why is this better than blaming someone else?" Well, chances are, you aren't going to just sit back as your dreams go up in flames. When we push ourselves towards success, it comes much quicker than if we become complacent. Once you're ok with your place in life, you start moving backwards. By constantly pushing yourself, you will never become stagnant, and you will accomplish more than you could have ever imagined.

One of the best way to effectively self coach yourself is to say daily positive affirmations. Now, if you're anything like me, it is boring to sit at your desk for 10 minutes a day saying things you would like to see happen in your life. For some people is this is highly effective, and if it works, I say go for it! However, I've found that when I do this, I don't always feel convinced that what I'm saying is ever going to happen. Instead of using that method to affirm my future, I like to say powerful affirmations throughout the day when I can really put thought into them. When this happens, I feel emotionally connected to my affirmations, and I feel that it they are must more effective. By the same token, I must warn that it can be dangerous to get caught up in how you feel about a situation. Some of my greatest successes have come even when I didn't "feel" like anything would ever change. It is definitely important to find the balance.

Self coaching might seem like a new concept, but the fact is, we've all self coached at some point in our life. Even when you were younger and had a big homework assignment to finish, you self coached yourself to go ahead and complete it. In any situation, if you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first.

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Are YOU Ready to Seize Control of Your Life and Progress to Success? It’s time for you to live up to your full potential. But the only way that can happen is if you take the first step, and download your free report Personal Development Power Tips so you can discover the top tips for your personal growth.