They say, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The same thing happened with Qnet and its failing business. When the falsehood of the allegations against Qnet were brought to the forth, the world saw and understood that the accusations were nothing but blatant lies. The Questnet fraud helped, in fact, revived the struggling enterprise after it was troubled by such issues. So where the allegations had sought to destroy Qnet, they just helped revive the fading popularity of the company.

The Questnet fraud exposed entrepreneurs to a new marketing method to tackle and nurture their new businesses. Qnet proved that techniques other than those in conventional advertising and marketing were more than just helpful in creating a new genre of tactics. The Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) approach was used by Qnet to promote and encourage entrepreneurs to get involved in a novel business and thus become financially independent. Multi-Level marketing makes use of the spoken word to foster their business and generate income. Such a simple and uncomplicated process of just spreading the word was made complicated and nasty by a bunch of people who could not see the company’s success and glory.

The functioning of the MLM Company was simple; hiring entrepreneurs as IRs (Individual Representatives) who would promote Qnet’s products to consumers and get a commission from the sales they make. Everything was under way when this company was struck by a torrent of problems that just refused to subside. Then I saw that the Internet was over-flowing with consumers and members alike, who accused Qnet of supplying low-grade products and working as per a pyramid-scheme. In reality, these people were only a bunch of disgruntled members who did not make as much quick money as they thought they would. But Qnet had never promised quick money; it was an honest opportunity for fledgling entrepreneurs, and it involved a combination of hard work and patience.

MLM companies have always had to face trials and tribulations as people are wary of their schemes, as they believe the articles and bad press that tag these companies as scammers and money-launderers. This was yet another reason why Qnet went through such a bad patch because of these false accusations. The questnet reviews brought to light the success and glory a company could make for itself only with a little innovative thinking. It was obvious that Qnet’s rivals would try to bring the company down. They tried to do just that, but failed miserably.

The whole idea of the MLM Company was to encourage young entrepreneurs and make them financially independent. More important than money were the relationships one could build and networking that could be done for better prospects in the future. It requires a dedicated plan and commitment to reach the heights of success like Qnet did. Otherwise, starting one’s own business without a plan is just a shallow idea. Without a staunch plan and an idea of what steps to take if something does not work according to the plan, a business cannot flourish. Qnet got its due credit for this commitment when the Questnet fraud came out.

Author's Bio: 

An international direct selling brand that utilities the network and multi level marketing (mlm) combined with e-commerce for more info: