More often than not, people mask their true selves with outwards projections in the form of behaviors. And some of those behaviors might have evolved into all you know today. Take, for instance, a lady who is not happy with her physique and suffers from low self-esteem will dress in a certain way. And when you meet this person, you right away assume they like modesty while they are not comfortable just wearing anything in real sense. A person who is comfortable in their skin will have no problem showing off their arms, but such a lady or even a gentleman would not have it.

As a partner to this person, what are some of the things you can do to ensure that they get out of this cocoon of self-doubt? Here are some of the elementary things you can do.

Give credit where it is due

If your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or partner looks nice in something, let them know. And if they do something commendable, let them know too. Such affirmations go a long way into giving a person confidence in what they are doing or wearing. But if you pick out the negative by saying things like ‘that color is not for you, or you are doing that wrong,’ you are killing their spirit. Even if they would look or do better with something else, deliver that message with love and consideration. Something positive like this would be better: ‘ honey, that looks good, but try this one out. I think it will look better.’ or ‘ have you tried doing it this way? ’ Positive feedback reaps positive effects.

Push them to be the best they can be

When you get into a union, you are no longer one person, and for that reason, your partner becomes your cheerleader and vice versa. On that note, make sure that your partner is getting the motivation to become better at what they do. For example, if your partner wants to advance their education, be that person that pushes them to go for classes, ask how the lessons went, and when exams approach, help them get ready for the exams. Or better yet, take the kids away for a few hours so that they can read in peace. This goes for everything they want to do- business, career, or hobby.

Check-in regularly

We live in a fast-paced world, and we forget to check-in with our beloved. And so, make an effort to ask them how they are out of the blues. Ask about their day, their perspective on issues, their moods, and anything related and unrelated to day-to-day life. This gives both of you a chance to offload anything that might be building up, consequently making your mental health clear. Constantly venting out releases tensions that would have otherwise built up.


Dealing with life on your own can be challenging, but having someone who helps you clear your brain and gives you a chance to offload your stress is helpful. Couples can be that to each other, and the above ways will surely help.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.