Looking for answers to money challenges may have become a daily routine for you. One of the keys to having riches (however defined) that you may have overlooked is a gift you already have and sadly, aren't aware of.

Recently, there were two hundred twenty-six million (226,000,000) global monthly searches for "how do you get a job." Likewise, there were twenty million, four hundred thousand (20,400,000) searches for "how can you get rich."

How to have money or more accurately, lack of money may be on your mind. With increasingly dismal news spread by the media, fear and scarcity thoughts and experiences are running wild. As clearly shown, people are looking for answers. Efforts of governments, politicians, corporations, and financial institutions to equitably assist in improving the - economy - are largely ineffective. Not surprising.

Einstein, one of the best minds the world has known, said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

What to do? Where to turn?

One of the biggest keys you have (that you may not know you already have) may seem absurd if you're feeling fearful. The truth is, you start with you. Since you already have this priceless essential, the cost to you qualifies as free.

"But," you say, "I have bills to pay, I need a job, getting rich would be great, but right now I just need to figure out how to buy food." Okay. It is what it is. The situations that are already present in your life need to be experienced so you can move beyond them. Resisting unwanted circumstances only causes them to linger. You do the best you can and begin from where you are.

However, understand another crucial key - you are laying the groundwork for your future by what you put your attention on now. Focus on the dismal and you will continue to bring what you fear into your life. Concentrate on "how do you get a job" and "how can you get rich" and you will keep asking those questions.

As a constructive experiment, take a break from your current challenges and feel how it feels when you focus on already having what you'd truly love to have in your life. Take a few moments and allow yourself to really feel into this. Can you sense the difference?

It is your choice to step beyond the millions of others doing the same "how do you get a job" and "how can you get rich" searches. Having what you want on the outside begins on the inside.

You can begin to consciously change your life this very moment. As Tony Robbins said, "The past does not equal the future." Park your ego's fear in a time-out chair and mentally step outside of your current circumstances. Take a fundamental first step. Start the process by letting yourself soar as you imagine already having the life you genuinely choose to have.

Copyright ©2011 Catherine Lenard. All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Catherine Lenard is the author and founder of The Divine Riches Project™ and the Life Empowerment Fast Tracks for Life Change: From Fear to Freedom™ Accelerated Self-Discovery Breakthrough Process. In addition to retreats and seminars, she offers Practical Wisdom™ Consultation. For more information, please visit http://divineriches.com and http://lifeempowermentfasttracks.com.