Cleaning your house does not only make the home welcoming; it can also improve your health a great deal. Cleaning the home can help get rid of substances that can culminate in poor health. It also permits fresh unpolluted air into the home and your lungs can be filled with adequate oxygen so that your blood can be enriched with the right quantity of pure oxygen for effective tissue respiration.

The benefits of cleanliness are simply innumerable and you just cannot substitute cleanliness with anything else. You also do not need much time to get your home clean each day. If you cannot spare the time for daily cleaning, cleaning every other day or even once a week can help a great deal.  If you are either too lazy or busy to do the cleaning by yourself, you can always hire outlets offering professional home services in Manchester to help with the cleaning. Whichever method you choose, makes sure always keep your home clean. In this write-up, we will open your eyes to many other benefits of keeping your home clean.  

Infection prevention

One of the many benefits of keeping your home clean is that it wards off microbial infections.  Dirt and clutter can act as an abode for infectious organisms and agents. These infectious agents can be transmitted to individuals living in the home and this can lead to all manners of infections and diseases. The tide of diseases can, however, be stemmed if you always keep the home clean. 

You can get rid of these unwanted microbes by disinfecting the home. Disinfectants can get rid of molds, fungi, virus, bacteria, and even parasites so that the home interior can be free from potential infections.  Removing these infectious agents will help prevent sickness and keep the doctor away.  Some of the areas where these infectious agents are commonly found are the kitchen countertops, bathrooms, and even toilets. You should focus on these areas when keeping the home clean            

Opportunity to lose weight

Excess fat on the body is far from being healthy. Home cleaning activities give you a unique opportunity to burn fat without registering at the gym. These activities can make you work extensively until you break some sweat and burn unwanted calories. Excess fat can culminate in hypertension, stroke and other very serious health problems; home cleaning activities can help get rid of the calories so that you will not suffer the consequences of obesity.  Studies show that you can burn up to 200 calories within an hour of physical activities, like dusting and cleaning.  Some of the top activities at home that can help you to burn a lot of calories are:

  • Scrubbing
  • Washing and drying dishes
  • Mopping
  • Sweeping
  • Mowing the lawn

Reduction in stress level 

One other health benefit of cleaning your house by yourself is that it can help reduce your stress level.  While engaging in the home-cleaning activities, the feel-good hormone is released into your blood and this hormone can elevate your mood and also make you feel good about yourself, which will drive away stress, depression, and several other psychological problems.  The hormone can help you to relax and drive away your anxiety faster than the speed of light. Studies recorded in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that you can reduce your stress and anxiety level by up to 20% if you engage in about 20 minutes of home cleaning activities   

Anger management

Home cleaning is an opportunity to let go of that anger. Instead of taking it out on others around you, why not take it out on the dirt and debris in an around the home. The bacteria and dust in the home will bear the brunt of the anger and will think twice before making your home their abode next time. There are several effective methods to get rid of those unwanted and damaging frustration and anger; cleaning is one of the proven methods.   After a long day at work or after a heated argument, you should simply get hold of the vacuum cleaner and go cleaning to release the pent-up anger in a manner harmless to those around you.  

Opportunity to increase your focus and concentration

One other benefit of home cleaning is that it can help to increase your concentration and focus at home and elsewhere.  There is nothing as distractive as a messy home and cluttered kitchen countertop.  That unwashed laundry and poorly-arranged stacks of newspaper can also interfere with your thought process and destabilize you.  Do not leave them in this cluttered state; rather, get to work and put things in order so that you can regain your focus and concentration.


You do not have to get involved directly in the cleaning activities before you can enjoy the associated benefits; simply hire a home service outlet for your carpet cleaning Manchester to help out.

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia Madison is a young blogger and economics and marketing graduate. She writes about home, lifestyle and family topics and is a frequent contributor to popular niche publications.