It is well known that prostatitis is the most common disease for men and also the most painful and embarrassing disease. It has caused a lot of trouble in the couple's life and made men suffer.

The prostate is located in the front of the rectum and under the bladder and encloses the initial segment of the urethra. It is closely adjacent to related blood vessels and nerves and secretes prostatic fluid, which is an integral part of semen. If sexual activity is too frequent, the prostate will be overloaded for a long time. In addition, the work pressure in the workplace is vast, the human body is often in a sub-health state, and the resistance is reduced so that the prostate will be vulnerable to pathogens.

How does Prostatitis affect sexual life?

Impact 1: Prostatitis is not effectively controlled promptly. Further deterioration will lead to atrophy of glands, decreased secretion, muscle spasms of adjacent genitourinary organs, reflex pain, and structural and functional changes of blood vessels and nerves controlling sexual functions, leading to decreased sexual desire.

Impact 2: Patients with severe symptoms and extended treatment time usually have high psychological pressure and may have anxiety and depression. When having sex, you may be afraid, nervous, and anxious about sex because of excessive worry. It causes insufficient blood supply to the penis artery or causes rapid ejaculation after excessive tension, leading to uncontrollable ejaculation.

Some hazards of prostatitis include:

It can cause urinary system abnormalities. Prostatitis will lead to an increase in prostate volume, which will affect the smooth excretion of urine. It will cause increased urination and urgency; in severe cases, it will also cause symptoms such as urine exhaustion and poor urination.

It can lead to chronic nephritis and even uremia. Prostatitis, if not treated in time, can lead to prostate hyperplasia and compression of the bladder outlet, so urine can not be completely emptied, resulting in residual urine. Residual urine is a good medium for bacterial reproduction. In addition, the defense mechanism of bladder mucosa is damaged, so it is very easy to lead to urinary tract infections, such as pyelonephritis. If the treatment is not complete, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, etc., develop into nephritis and finally into uremia.

It causes endocrine disorders and mental disorders. Under normal circumstances, the prostate can secrete a variety of active substances. As prostate inflammation, endocrine disorders can cause neurasthenia, resulting in mental abnormalities. It can also appear insomnia and dreaminess, fatigue and dizziness, slow thinking, memory loss, and other symptoms.

It will infect your spouse and cause gynecological inflammation. Prostatitis can be transmitted to the wife, especially prostatitis caused by some particular bacteria. The inflammation can be transmitted to the wife through sexual intercourse, such as fungal prostatitis, trichomonas prostatitis, gonorrhea prostatitis, nongonococcal (chlamydia, mycoplasma) prostatitis, etc.

It is easy to cause infection. The human prostate contains an antibacterial substance called the prostate antibacterial factor. When the gland is inflamed, this antibacterial factor is reduced, making it easy to cause infection. The infection caused by prostatitis can lead to acute urinary retention, acute seminal vesiculitis or epididymitis, vasculitis, enlargement or tenderness of spermatic cord lymph nodes, etc. In severe cases, groin pain or renal colic may occur.

It is susceptible to tumors. In 1985, American data believed that oncogene was the most critical factor, and the virus was also a possible cause. A retrospective study in the United States found a statistically significant relationship between the prostate and the incidence rate of gonorrhea, which suggested that the etiology of prostate cancer was related to viral venereal diseases and chronic infection. The latest research shows that normal prostate fluid contains an anti-cancer substance, which is of great significance in inhibiting tumors. When the prostate is sick, this anti-cancer substance is reduced, which is easy to cause tumors.

It can affect fertility and lead to infertility. Long-term chronic inflammation changes the composition of the prostate fluid, affects the secretion function of the prostate, and then affects the liquefaction time of semen. The decrease in sperm vitality can lead to male infertility.

This long-term impact on patients, their quality of life, and prostatitis are challenging to heal. As a result, the intertwined causality and vicious circle make prostatitis and the dysfunction caused by it become a significant persistent disease puzzling adult men. When you have prostatitis, you can take natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for symptomatic treatment. And take it dialectically, according to the patient's overall situation, to reduce the symptoms.

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