Snoring is simply the noise generated by a sleeping person whose breathing has been obstructed in some way. Many people from different backgrounds and of different ages and genders snore. Snoring can often be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Although men are more commonly affected than women, the question 'how can I stop snoring?' is asked by a wide range of people.

It can affect life quality in a number of ways. Disruptions to sleep patterns can be major, with apnea in particular placing some real stresses on a sufferer's body. The noise caused as well as the breathing difficulties can cause the sufferer to wake up and suffer interrupted sleep.

Sufferers are often not aware of the effect that the snoring can have on them, with many putting their daytime tiredness down to other factors, such as stress. The effects can also often be felt by a sufferer's partner, whose own sleeping patterns are often seriously disturbed and their health affected by their partner's problems disrupting their nights.

Finding a solution to the problem is a matter of importance, which has serious implications on general well-being and health. Relationships can suffer and personal health levels fall if the issue is left to itself and nothing is done to remedy it.

Obstructions in breathing can occur in a number of different places in the human respiratory apparatus. Nasal obstructions are often a cause of snoring. In order to check to see if the sufferer has a nasal breathing issue which is causing them to snore, a simple test can be carried out.

The sufferer, standing in front of a mirror, should trap one nostril shut with a finger, then breathe in through their nose. If their open nostril collapses when they do so, then a dilator could be what is required to stretch the capacity of the nostril. These are available over the counter from pharmacists and are usually sold as small adhesive strips, which are worn on the bridge of the nose during the hours of sleep.

The sufferer should also attempt to breathe through their nose while their mouth is held shut. If they find that they cannot breathe through their nose or it is difficult, then the nose can be blocked up due to an allergy or infection.

In this case, some form of decongestant may help on a temporary basis. In the long-term it might be better to check for allergies and alter the sleeping environment accordingly, using anti-allergy bedding for example, or obtaining a new mattress free from dust and mites.

Some sufferers problems are due to issues with breathing through their mouth. This can be caused by obstructions in the nasal region. This can cause night-time breathing issues.

Another simple test which exists to assess whether or not this is the case is that the sufferer should close their mouth and try to snore. If they discover that they can actually only snore with their mouth open, then they can be classified as an individual who customarily breathes through their mouth. Their problems could be helped by wearing special chin straps which keep the mouth shut, meaning that they breathe more normally or by using special mouth guards which adjust the way the sufferer breathes.

'How can I stop snoring?' is a question which forms a refrain throughout the lives of many people, from every walk of life one can imagine. Speaking to a qualified expert is always the best thing to do, with solutions available for most of the underlying issues.

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Fix your snoring problems with the help of For anyone who is interested to find out much more about the other possible ways that will help you remedy this problem, then go and visit how can i stop snoring for additional information.