How can I stop being lazy? You're asking yourself that now and you want answers that really work. Here are three proven ways that will help you blow through the rut you're in and help you design my future!

1. How can I stop being lazy? - Put together a motivating set of goals.

Just a year ago I asked myself the same question you are dealing with now. How can I stop being lazy? The immediate answer was obvious for me and it should be for you. The laziness you deal with comes from waking up each morning without an overall plan for your life that you break down day by day.

I can't stress enough how a big, compelling, detailed plan for your goals can get you out of the doldrums you are going through now. To start putting together your goals, ask yourself what excites me? What vision do I have for my future that get's me fired up just thinking about it? What am I willing to run through a brick wall to get it? It may be tough at first, but dig deep and you'll come up with concrete goals that will give you a purpose beyond simply drifting through each day.

2. How can I stop being lazy? Dial your compelling goals into your mind each and every day!

Dig even deeper and you will realize your laziness also comes from a lack of daily focus. If you get up each morning without a lazer-like focus on your goals you are going to continue wandering through life.

Review your goals every morning, visualize them as real, feel the emotion and drive that your goals evoke, and hit the ground running and tackle the top priority for that day. To really dial in your goals, review them every morning, at lunch, and at night. Make weekly adjustments based on your progress and set yourself up for success no matter what life throws at you. It's only through this level of active goal programming and action that you will bust through the laziness that's consuming your life.

3. How can I stop being lazy? Start each morning with an easy exercise!

To annihilate laziness from your life once and for all you have to immediately start achieving visible wins no matter how small.

I am a huge believer of prioritizing exercise first thing every morning for two very big reasons. First, exercising every morning gets your energy levels up to help you power through the rest of your day.

Second, exercise almost immediately makes you feel better and you will start seeing results in just a matter of days. Quick tip - keep your exercise simple and painless. You will be amazed at what a half-hour outdoor walk each morning can do for your energy and health!

The confidence that comes from seeing your efforts pay off create a snowball effect and critical momentum that will build as you tackle bigger goals.

Quick Recap!

Follow these three tips and you'll stop asking "how can I stop being lazy" and start asking "how can I continue to build on my success" in no time. Set big compelling goals, dial them in each day, and start your day with some form of exercise no matter how small.

Author's Bio: 

Hi I'm Rob Pierce and I'm passionate about showing people exactly how to break through laziness and to improve their lives dramatically in 100 days through the power of goal setting. To learn how you can break through the laziness that's robbing you of your passion and to change your life in 100 days, visit my page for the The 100 Day Challenge!. Thanks for reading!