Even after more than seven years, much of our honey is still fake. According to the Food Fraud Database, which is managed by the compliance management company Decernis, it is the third most-faked food, trailing only milk and olive oil. Several food lawyers have claimed that it is against Federal Food Security Act Litigation.

Although there is no evidence to believe that this false or contaminated honey is harmful to public health, it is nevertheless a concern. Manufacturers tend to either dilute extracted honey with plant-derived syrups such as beet syrup or high-fructose corn syrup. Alternatively, they can chemically change the sugars in those syrups to make them resemble real honey.

Also, honey farmers endure the economic hardship of being undercut due to prices that fall below half of their operating costs. The honey supply chain is extremely intricate, forcing consumers to bear the burden of discriminating between genuine and contaminated honey. This burden disadvantages honest beekeepers who are unable to compete with the low pricing of contaminated honey.

This article is written by the author of IGLOBAL IMPACT ITES PVT. LTD. With her years of experience and expertise in the niche of Food laws, Federal Food Security Act Litigation, you can get detailed information about Honey fraud and its impact worldwide.

Fake Honey is Harmful to Both Beekeepers and Bees

The precise amount of fake honey in the world is still unknown. According to the Honey Authenticity Project, an organization of activists and business members, 33% of honey is fraudulent or tainted. According to a 2018 research of honey for sale in Australia, 27% of the items examined were fake or had other components put in.

Figures for the United States are more difficult to come by, but one food lawyer involved in several class-action lawsuits accusing honey brands of fraud believes the rate could be as high as 70%.

Impact of Honey Fraud in Different Countries

Honey is an important part of the American diet, with over 400 million pounds of it ending up in our food each year, with the majority of it ending up in processed foods like cereal.

Beekeepers in the United Kingdom have been especially heavily struck. In 2018, the UK received 47% of Europe's honey imports from China, but later, a Honey Authenticity Project Lab investigation of 11 retail brands revealed that none of them met EU labeling standards.

How Can We Stop It?

Furthermore, industrial food manufacturers own a portion of the responsibility for putting an end to honey fraud. Here, food lawyers also come into play according to Federal Food Security Act Litigation. Also, several manufacturers must demand and confirm that the honey used to make cereal, bread, granola bars, and other items is genuine. Because the honey in these items is usually utilized for flavoring and is not offered only as a honey product, the adulteration passes unnoticed by food makers and customers. Honey scammers are aware of this gap in the defense and are taking advantage of it.

1. Nowadays, the honey industry has mainly two ways to determine the authenticity of honey: confirming its provenance or checking its chemical makeup.

2. It is relatively simple to determine the origin of honey. If a company claims that honey came from one location but lab testing shows that it came from another, we know something is wrong.

3. Honey producers can potentially employ chemicals to tamper with chemical traceability testing. So, more detailed tests, such as SIRA, or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, are the best approach to determine the authenticity of honey.

I hope the preceding article gave you insight regarding Honey fraud and the role of food lawyers & the Federal Food Security Act Litigation. Hence, preventing honey fraud is a critical concern for both the food sector and consumers.

Author's Bio: 

I hope the preceding article gave you insight regarding Honey fraud and the role of food lawyers & the Federal Food Security Act Litigation. Hence, preventing honey fraud is a critical concern for both the food sector and consumers.