Urinary Tract Infection is quite common in women, and more still among pregnant women. The symptoms are quite ordinary and do not vary much from person to person. There is a terrible urge to rush to the bathroom and once in, one passes very little urine accompanied by a burning sensation. One could also experience stomach ache and mild fever followed by a vomiting sensation, backache and chills. Sometimes one could also find blood in the urine or stools leaving her wondering what she could have possibly done to bring this upon herself.

The first golden rule or the best of all home remedies for UTI is to drink plenty of water. The more water one drinks, the more one is likely to flush out infection or toxins from the body through urine. This actually doesn’t cost anything.

Certain home remedies for UTI cause quick and immense relief and are not hard on the pocket either. Blueberries and cranberries have bacteria blocking properties. Blueberry or unsweetened cranberry juice can be consumed daily to get relief from the burning sensation, thus hastening recovery. Cranberry tablets too are equally effective.

Eating fresh pineapple also can cure Urinary Tract Infection, as pineapple contains bromelain, an antibiotic capable of reducing infection and inflammation.

Placing a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the abdomen could be of immense help too, if one is suffering from pain.

Yogurt and buttermilk are also excellent home remedies for UTI. Moreover, consuming citrus fruits containing vitamin C, like oranges and lemons, keeps the bladder in good condition and ensures an infection-free urinary tract.

Women should try to wear loose cotton panties, and similarly men should wear loose cotton boxers to avoid irritation. Another important thing to remember is never to control the urge to go to a washroom to urinate, as this could lead to increase in infection and pain. Any common painkiller could be helpful in easing the pain when it becomes unbearable.

Uva ursi is an herb that is known to contain antibiotic properties and cure vaginal diseases, but it should not be used for pregnant women and children.

It is a good habit to always wipe from front to back after urinating, as this prevents the infection from reentering the body.

Consuming alcohol during UTI could be hazardous as it aggravates the itching and pain. Hence, one must avoid it completely. Caffeine loaded products like tea or coffee too could cause irritation, and should therefore be avoided. However, herbal tea can be consumed.

Smoking could cause coughing and is likely to cause leaks. But the most important reason to quit smoking is that it is known to cause bladder cancer.

During UTI, light food should be taken instead of routine food. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is a good idea, and spicy food should be totally avoided.

In cases of extreme pain, fever or if the inflammation persists too long, immediate medical help is advisable as otherwise it could lead to damage in the kidneys or the urinary tract.

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