Leg pain is a common term that is used to denote pain that feels anywhere between the pelvis and heels. There are a number of people who suffer from recurrent pain in their legs. Chronic leg pain is a undoubtedly a devastating condition that can severely impact the quality of your life It can be sporadic or constant and occurs in several different forms, including sharp, throbbing, stabbing dull, or tingling. It can happen due to muscle cramps caused by overuse of a muscle, excessive exertion, dehydrations, lack of minerals in the blood, or certain medications like statins and diuretics.

Other conditions that can lead to pain in the legs include standing for long period of time, muscle strain, tendonitis, hairline bone crack, clots in the blood, varicose veins, osteomyelitis or infection of the bone, infection of the skin or soft tissue, arthritis, gout, and damage to the nerve. Most types of leg pains can be alleviated with the help of some successful home remedies. Apparently, the cheapest and easiest way to reduce pain is to drink a lot of water and other fluids. As noted above, dehydration is one of the reasons for leg muscle cramps. Maintaining your body hydrated is a great way to ease muscle contractions and leg pain.

Effective home remedies caused by a muscle cramp also include rest, leg elevation, ice therapy, and massage. Cod liver oil is a best home remedy for nearly all types of leg pain. Consume one teaspoon of cod liver oil daily to reduce the pain in your legs. Another way to treat this pain is to take a steam bath at least once a week. A warm water bath with Epson salt is also good for relieving pain. Take two to three teaspoons of fenugreek powder, mix it in a cup of water, and drink this mixture every morning. This is a useful remedy to get rid of this problem.

Eating four or five walnuts on an empty stomach first thing in the morning can be very helpful. Leg pain due to varicose veins may be treated with home remedies like elevation of the leg and elastic bandage compression. Support hose also helps deal with this type of leg pain. Some of the most recommended home remedies for leg pain caused by nerve disorders are avoiding tight-fit shoes and staying away from tobacco and alcohol use. If you have pain in the lower leg due to insufficient blood flow to muscles, then the most essential thing you should do is to give up smoking. You should also avoid putting on weight and reduce the level of cholesterol.

Home remedies also include staying away from sugar and caffeinated drinks. Vitamin E can be used as a home remedy for leg pain. It is a rich source of tocopherol, a chemical that can increase circulation of blood to the legs and thus improve pain in legs. People who suffer from pain in legs are recommended to follow a diet that is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

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