Head lice infestation is really a dreadful experience that can cause you quite a lot of stress and tension. These six-legged parasites live on human blood and can be found among hair on the scalp. They are highly contagious and mostly spread from one person to another through head-to-head contact or sharing personal belongings, such as towels, combs, brushes, pillows, blankets, and clothing. Naturally, children, especially girls with long hair, are more vulnerable to head lice. It should be noted that getting a head lice infestation does not mean that your or your child's hair is unclean and unhygienic. However, it is an irritating situation that has to be treated as soon as possible.

The symptoms of head lice infestation include severe itching of skin on the scalp, presence of reddish bumps on head, shoulders, and neck, and nits or lice eggs on the hair. Intense itching may make you scratch your head, which can break the skin and lead to infection. If you have found head lice in your or your child's hair, then it is better to start treatment at the earliest time possible. Several over-the-counter shampoos are available to eliminate head lice. However, most of these shampoos contain chemical insecticides. Moreover, they may not completely destroy all lice and nits. There are also a number of safe home remedies for head lice that can help you get rid of this problem.

Head lice can be successfully prevented by regular shampooing and conditioning of your hair. You must also comb your hair daily with a fine-toothed comb. Add one tablespoon of butter to three teaspoons of lemon juice and rub it into your hair. Wait for about 15 minutes and then wash your hair. This is a good remedy to kill and nits. An effective way to remove lice and nits from your hair is to make a mixture of equal amounts of garlic paste and lemon juice, apply it to your hair, let it sit for half an hour, and then rinse your head. One among the best home remedies for head lice is to apply mayonnaise to the hair and scalp for about two hours.

Vinegar can also be used as one of the home remedies for lice. After applying a half cup of vinegar to the scalp, wrap your head with a plastic bag, Let the vinegar sit on your scalp for half an hour and then wash it off. Another way to use vinegar is to rinse your hair with a mixture made up of half vinegar and half water. It is recommended not to shampoo or condition your hair after using vinegar. Tea tree oil is an additional home remedy for head lice infestation. Take some tea tree oil, spread it on your scalp, and shampoo it off after five minutes. Otherwise, soak your hair with olive oil and then cover it with a shower cap. Let the oil sit on your hair for at least eight hours. Then comb the hair to remove lice and nits.

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