Many people suffer from the problem of bad breath. It can be a real embarrassment in front of your colleagues and friends. It is caused due to bacteria present in our mouth. There are certain factors which can cause bad breath such as dehydration, smoking, not eating breakfast, mouth sores, stress, and cancer, food high in protein, sinus problems, tuberculosis, syphilis, gum disease, significant talking, zinc deficiency and gastrointestinal disorders.

Home Remedies

There are several remedies for bad breath which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the popular home remedies for this problem which are being used since a very long time and have proved to be quite effective in many cases are:

1. One of the simplest home remedies is the use of mint leaves. All you need to do is chew some mint leaves after having your meals on daily basis. This will freshen up your breath.

2. After drinking or eating anything, take mouthful of water and then use the side face muscles movement to rinse your mouth. Make this a daily habit in order to gain long term benefits.

3. Baking soda is considered to be one of the effective home remedies for bad breath. Just put some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth like you usually do. Later rinse your mouth with water. Every morning you should try cleaning the top of the tongue with the help of your brush in order to remove odorous particles.

4. Drinking black and green tea is also very beneficial in treating bad breath. Both of them are known to have polyphenols, which are very helpful in preventing bad breath by stopping bacteria growth.

5. Eating an apple can also be very helpful in treating this breath problem. It eradicates toxins which can cause foul smell from the mouth.

6. Sunflower seeds are also equally effective in treating this breath problem. Daily after your meals chew some sunflower seeds and then drink a glass of water. This is one of the most efficient home remedies for bad breath.

7. In order to sweeten your breath you can try chewing cardamom seeds whenever you feel like. It will work as a natural mouth freshener. Every day after your meals you can try chewing a clove.

8. Parsley is known to have chlorophyll and can be very helpful in curing bad breath problem. All you have to do is take a small sprig of parsley and chew it.

9. Take some hydrogen peroxide and then dilute it with water. Now rinse your mouth with it. This will reduce the acidic environment of the mouth and kill foul breath producing bacteria.

10. Take a glass filled with water and then add some lemon juice in it. Now use this lemon water as a gargle. It is very effective if you try this home remedy two times in a day on daily basis.

11. Drinking pineapple juice helps in reducing foul breath.

The above mentioned home remedies for bad breath are some of the most popular natural home remedies which are simple, cost-effective and safe to use.

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