How do you want to feel when you walk into your home? Soothed? Relaxed? Comforted?

At the moment how to you feel when you walk into your home?

Most of us want a place we can relax in and be renewed. This will be different for different families. Some like a little clutter and homeyness. Some like spaces that are clear and pure. Some like places full of arts and crafts.


You can add comfort with green plants (unless you have a brown thumb and dried plants would be all over your home.)

Music can energize or relax the mood in the home. A pure place for quiet time or a cozy place to read might be what renews you. An extra comfortable pillow. Natural objects like shells, rocks and driftwood.

Or maybe a bird feeder outside the kitchen window to watch the cardinals as you wash dishes. Maybe adding some spa ambience to the bathroom.


Decluttering clears out what is no longer helpful in your current life and makes space for your life. Clearing a shelf or taking a picture of the wall can make things more visually relaxing. Is your home more a museum of relics of the past or a place for your current passions and interests?

Many clients begin with me saying they just don’t have time to simplify, organize and declutter or they are too tired after work. But when we break it down into small pieces, they are able to accomplish it. And they find they are more energetic and renewed after work.

* What type of home do you need to renew in?

* What type of mood to you want your house to convey when you come home?

* How can you make your home more soulful?

* More comforting?

* What lighting do you need?

* What scents can create that mood?

* Where do you need to declutter?

* What art, texture and colors can help create the space you want?

* Are you engaging all your senses in creating the feeling?

* Why is a certain room your favorite?

* How can you create a better feel to your least favorite room?

And finally, what is one step you can take today?

Author's Bio: 

I help the overwhelmed create saner, simpler lives. I deliver...

Untamed possibility. Breathe easier simplicity. Hope.
On the wings of understanding and encouragement.
Step by step breaking down from “no way! “ to “why not?”

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