Hiking can be a great fun, but while doing that you have to take some extra steps to defend yourself against any possible aggression. Apart from aggression by other hikers, animals can attack you and so on. Because of that, you have to take safety precautions to ensure that you are protected while on a hiking expedition.

You have to be familiar with camping and hiking safety rules. The most important amongst them is taking along with you extra water, compass, as well as energy bars and so on.
More than that, you need to take some safety devices when you are hiking; you need this irrespective of whether you are a male or a female hiker. Apart from arranging for your travel logistics, you have to come along with safety devices that help you defend yourself when it becomes necessary.

Those safety items you carry should be lightweight. You do not need to go with heavy equipment that constitutes a burden of its own. Here are some self-defense items you can consider bringing along with you. Beginner hikers often forget to carry enough resources & accessories. Visit OutingExpert for beginner hiking tips and tricks.

Pepper spray and mace

These are perhaps the most popular self-defense products, which hikers, campers and other travelers use today. These products are available in the market, you can get them in different grades, and the highest limit allowed by law is fifteen percent of capsicum. This is the most dreaded, and you can defend yourself with this spray when it becomes necessary.

Pepper spray for joggers

Another type of pepper spray, which you can use for self-defense, is available and it is called pepper spray for joggers. Many travelers always consider this. This is meant for animal attack. You have to clip this spray to the part of your body where you can access it when you need it most.

Stun guns

Another self-defense device you can consider is the stun guns. There are various models on the market. They are of different colors, sizes, and they are sold at different prices. You have to consider the ones that are suitable for your purpose. Some of the stun guns are meant for hikers. Check the features and take only those suitable for your purpose.
If you want to use a stun gun, you have to disguise it. They are available in different shapes. Some models look like a phone and when you see it, you can hardly think it is a phone. The most important thing is that you should not reveal it before your possible attacker.

Taser C2

Another security device you can use to defend yourself is Taser C2. This is perhaps the newest model on the market. This is lightweight and this means that it is easy and simply to carry. It is such small that you hardly know that you are taking something with you. The size is that of television control remote.

If you confront your attacker with any of these devices, it can immobilize them. These safety devices can be severe. Taser C2 for instance, is such powerful that it can pierce through the skin. The most important thing is that the police must approve whichever product you want to use. It s better you check with the police before committing your money.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.