U.S. researchers recently found that too many middle-aged smokers more likely to suffer dementia cubs. California researchers recently published study report. In-order to understand the relationship smoking and dementia, investigation were carried out from 2,000 people between 1978 to 1985 of 50 to 60 years middle-aged peers and to track these group of peoples after 23 years, 25.4% of the study found that suffering from different types of dementia, 1136 patients suffers Alzheimer's disease (elderly dementia), 416 patients known as vascular dementia.

Study found that compared to non-smoking peers, smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for adults, 157% chance of higher risk of suffer Alzheimer's disease, 172% of higher risk of suffer vascular dementia disease, and above both relationship are not affected by race, sex, hypertension, high cholesterol, drunk, heart disease, stroke, or body weight and other factors.

Researchers pointed out that this conclusion does not apply to quit smoking or smoke less than half package for adults. And further explain that smoking can cause cerebral blood coagulation, and thus easily lead to vascular dementia. In addition smoking can also cause oxidative stress and inflammation and so on, thereby enhancing the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease can be divided into three categories: Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, mixed type dementia. Alzheimer's disease is caused by a brain degenerative disease dementia; vascular dementia is caused by various reasons, blood disorders caused by cerebral vascular dementia; mixed type dementia is which above both diseases exist together.

Smoking in the home surrounding will cause high impact on children. In addition, many smokers think that as long as do not smoke indoors, the children will never take unfair second-hand smoke. Recent study in Germany confirmed the claim that even if the parents smoking in the outdoor and garden, the child still likely to be affected.

University of Greifswald, Germany has revealed that in smoking households, 57% of the children found the nicotine metabolites in urine, 22.7% of the urine found nicotine metabolites has reached more than 40 ng per milliliter level. It is worth to note that the above children suffer of second-hand smoke, there are 231 parents claimed never smoke indoors.

The researchers said that only outdoor smoking cannot be completely avoided by the smoke as children were affected in the car smoking and walking with children, these smoking areas are often neglected by parents.

Of course, the most affected are the children in the indoor smoking parents. Some parents think that as long as the ventilation window in the evening open before going to sleep, or just smoking in the smoking room can prevent second-hand smoke on child, but this practice still cannot prevent a child from exposure to smoke. Researchers have raised attention hazards of smoking on infants and young children.

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The Bio-herbal Remedy Guide Team emphasizes on spreading, promoting influential messages, healthy concepts, practical health and herb information.