Answering the questions on page 94 is an easy, albeit boring request for many children. They simply take out the book, notebook and pencil. They turn to page 94, read the first question and re-read the text to locate the answer. Then, they summarize the information, write it down and continue on to the next question. However, for many students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder this task is not so easy.

First the child with ADHD might reach into his backpack only to find that his textbook isn’t there. After borrowing one from the teacher, he quickly turns to page 94. Looking at the questions reminds him that he needs his notebook and pen and pulls those out of his backpack. He may reads all the questions and then start to look through the chapter for answers. Upon finding an answer, he scribbles it down in his notebook only to realize that he is working on question number two without having answered question number one.

Organizing thoughts and actions are difficult for many children with adhd. Multiple step math problems confound them as does analyzing the novel they are reading for English class. Long term projects are rarely turned in on time by students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. They get caught up in the number of steps involved and often in the end up losing track of time.

Motor Planning

Students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder often have issues with motor planning. Motor planning and praxis are both terms that refer to the ability to efficiently take in input from the senses, understand it, and use it to perform an action. It is the organization within the brain that informs us how to accomplish tasks step by step. Efficient motor planning allows us to do everything in the right order and achieve the desired result. Children with adhd frequently have inefficient motor planning. This lead to confusion, disorganization and poor grades.

Barrier to Success

These children with adhd are smart and know the information, but they have a barrier. They can't take in the information in a way that allows them to organize it as they use it. The knowledge they have is not able to be expressed. The teacher makes comments like "I know that he knows this. I know he can do this." However, even though the student with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. knows the information, he consistently earns poor grades because he cannot communicate his knowledge in the way that is asked of him.

Possible Solutions

Efficient motor planning is possible for students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

Activities that Focus on Coordination and Movement- Many children with adhd find help through practicing smooth movement and coordination in activities like Karate, Tae Kwon Do and Gymnastics.

Increasing Millisecond Timing is a way to help the brain permanently think faster and organize faster. Using a computer program, students perform synchronized movements to a steady beat. As the student executes the movements with increasing accuracy, the brain’s millisecond timing becomes more exact.

This allows motor planning and sequencing to improve in all aspects: sports, math, reading and organization. Smooth motor planning and sequencing lifts the barrier and helps children with ADHD leave the poor grades behind, reach grade level and stay there year after year.

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For more help with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, visit and fill out the checklist specially designed to help you do an initial assessment of your child’s learning problems. Your child CAN have a positive classroom experience this year. Be sure to check out our educational videos about ADD Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.