Wet Dreams or Nocturnal Emissions, also known as Nightfall is very common with adolescent males. These happen to occur more at the time of puberty, and can be considered as a kind of spontaneous orgasm. Under this condition, the man does not have an erection as such, but rather has a leakage of seminal discharge. While having such discharges rarely is not much of a problem, higher frequency of these can lead to a lot of complications later. Not only do excessive wet dreams or nocturnal emissions cause problems in a healthy sexual life, but also interfere with one’s overall health. This is the reason why doctors suggest that all kinds of sexual problems should be treated as soon as possible, without any fear, shyness or embarrassment.
Of course, the situation is not complicated right from the beginning, and the problem develops more with each stage. In the beginning, men who have constant erotic thoughts in their head have a string desire to masturbate, and this can happen at a very high frequency; sometimes even multiple times a day. When one starts masturbating so much, there is no adequate time gap, which is left between two consecutive masturbating sessions. As a result of that, the tissues in the man’s penile area do not get enough rest, and they start to become weak and loose.
The side effect of over masturbation is Nightfall. The person does not have control over his leakage. In the initial days, the person at least gets to know that he has had a seminal leakage. But as the problem advances, sometimes the leakages happen in the middle of sleep, and the person does not even feel it.
Apart from erectile dysfunction, Wet Dreams can also cause more problems like constant pain in the penile area, reduction in the male organ size, thinner and lesser quantity of semen, physical discomfort, excessive overall tiredness and fatigue etc.
For those who are able to recognize the problem soon, it takes around 2-3 months to get rid of it. For others who start their treatment after letting the problem advance to a very high stage, the healing process may take longer. Medication options for treating Wet Dreams are many, ranging from chemical to natural. But most people prefer to go in for herbal remedies, because they are safer and more effective. Besides, the herbs used in such medicines have been tried and tested since ancient times for curing such problems, and are well trusted.
Herbal remedies for excessive nocturnal emissions are considered the best and safest cure. One of the most popular herbal remedies for excessive nocturnal emissions are NF Cure capsules. One very important factor to keep in mind while getting treatment for Wet Dreams is to avoid masturbation as much as possible. The more you avoid it, the sooner are your chances of getting better. This will only help the work that your herbal supplements will do.
You can also try using herbal oils such as Mast Mood oil for your treatment. These need to be massaged once or twice daily on your penile area for curing sexual problems. These oils also help you to restore your organ size, and improve semen quality.
Read more about Nocturnal Emission treatment. Also know the health benefits of Shilajit.
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