Everybody needs rest once in a while. Sleeping is an essential basic routine that people cannot live without. When people sleep, they replenish the energy they spent during the day, the muscles are rested, and the soft tissues are revitalized. It is also the period when the mind processes all the memories and lessons it encounters during the day. Although the importance of sleep is often overlooked, it is just as important as breathing.
According to psychologists, the first symptoms that a person lacks sleep are irritability and moodiness. If the person is further deprived from sleep after these initial signs, he or she is likely to experience apathy, slowed speech, flattened emotional responses, impaired memory, and the inability to multi-task. A continued or sustained lack of sleep may result in weight gain, depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
People need to have an average of six of eight hours of sleep a day to function effectively. Unfortunately, there are some people who find it difficult to fall asleep due to sleeping disorders such as insomnia. For these people, natural, safe, and effective herbal remedies for sleep disorders can be of great help.
Many people in India, China, Greece, North America, and Europe use valerian root as an alternative healing medicine for sleep disorders. The herb offers sedative properties that calm the nerves and helps a person fall asleep. Nowadays, the herb is sold in capsules and tablets that are available in most local drugstores.
The lavender plant is grown all over the world, and its scent known for its relaxing and calming effects. Its flowers are used to brew lavender tea as an alternative healing medicine taken before going to sleep. The flowers can also be dried and inserted under the pillow or inside the pillowcase to provide aromatherapy during sleep. The aromatherapy effect of this plant is growing in popularity, as lavender bath beads, body washes, and shampoo are widely available today.
The yellow chamomile flower is another alternative healing medicine in relieving stress. The tea from the plant’s flowers and leaves are effective in treating many sleep problems. The plant’s calming effect can also be enjoyed through chamomile lotion, cream, and essential oils.
If you have questions, please visit us at www.allthingshealing.com for complete details and answers.
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