Herpes simplex virus, one of the most widespread viruses in humanity. It causes genital herpes and in most instances, minor symptoms or none at all. And when the genital herpes symptoms are severe, they’re easy to treat and frequently controllable as well.

The problem is that the perception most people have of the herpes virus vary according to a wide range of misconceptions and myths about it, instead of the facts. Therefore, being diagnosed with such an infection can frequently be both intimidating and confusing.

This article is meant to help you clarify the confusion and begin taking positive actions to get one’s life back to normal.

If you’ve just learned that you have genital herpes, we hope you will find it extremely reassuring to understand the facts about the virus as well as what treatment alternative is appropriate for you. The information in here is also helpful if you are handling a certain issue such as managing herpes infection during pregnancy, or if it is your partner who’s infected with herpes.

You can take a look at it straight through, or utilize individual portions of it for reference.

TRUE: Anybody who’s ever had sex can contract genital herpes. It’s not about being dirty, clean, good or bad– it’s about being active in a sexual manner.

FALSE: It’s disgraceful to have genital herpes.

The Important Facts

• One out of three adults have the genital herpes virus.

• Approximately 80% of individuals infected with genital herpes do not know they’re infected with the virus as they have minor symptoms or nothing at all.

• More than 50% of individuals who are infected with genital herpes contracted it from individuals who are completely unaware that they already have it.

• The emotional effect of learning you have genital herpes is frequently much worse than the condition itself, and it does not deserve the distress it causes.

• Oral herpes or cold sores are commonly passed on to the genitals via oral-genital contact. Around 50% of people with genital herpes is caused by the cold sore type of the herpes simplex virus.

• There’s effective treatment obtainable if the symptoms are problematic.

• The genital herpes symptoms vary enormously. It can appear as sores or blisters, but also, it can just manifest a mild rash. And whatever sign or symptoms do appear could be on the back, thighs, fingers, and certainly the genitals.

• Herpes can be transmitted when no symptoms or signs are present.

• Most individuals who infect others do not realize they’re putting their partners in danger.

• Using condoms lessens the risk of transmitting the virus, but does not eliminate it.

• Daily treatment can prevent herpes recurrences and cut the risk of spreading the virus to partners.

• Having genital herpes isn’t associated with resulting in cervical cancer.

Author's Bio: 

Louis has been blogging for 5 years now and has published hundreds of health-related topics and posts online. Among his focus topics include Herpes Symptoms, Weight Loss, and Filipino Martial Arts. As a Biologist and blogger, it is his goal to share relevant information on health-related topics online.