Did you and your boyfriend recently break up? Maybe you recently found out that he doesn't love you anymore. Then, your inner world must be in total and utter chaos.

Our relationships are very significant in our lives and when someone we greatly love walks out on us, it's just normal to feel terrible. If you're curious about what you need to do if your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore, check out these questions other people are asking.

Q: Too soon after our break up, my ex boyfriend is dating again! I'm heartbroken, what can I do?

A: If you and your ex boyfriend were in a long term relationship and now he's unexpectedly with someone else right after the break up, don't worry since you're still on his mind.

It took time for you and your boyfriend to build a relationship together. It takes time for that same relationship to fade from his mind as well. Your ex boyfriend still thinks of you--probably a lot.

He will be continually comparing his new relationship to his old one because he hasn't had time to heal and move on from the break up himself. This will cause troubles with his new girlfriend, which is why most rebound relationships rarely work. You must stop kidding yourself into thinking that he has completely moved on this quickly. Ask yourself instead what you can do so that you can feel better right now.

Q: Some people tell me to focus on myself during this time. What exactly does that mean?

A: You must understand that you can't change your ex's feelings or thoughts.

You can control yourself though. In other words, this means concentrate only on what you can control, yourself. Don't waste time focusing on what you have no control over, which will just cause you more unhappiness for you.

Is there a particular part of your life you think needs some improvement? For instance, have you lost communication with other friends in your life over the course of your relationship? If so, you must reconnect with old friends and family members. During this hard time, they will help you heal. Maybe you've been meaning to lose a few pounds, tone up or get in shape? Take this time in your life to reach your goals. By doing this, you will understand that you don't need your ex's love just to be happy. This is the initial step to mending a broken heart--focus on you.

Stop focusing on the pain of him leaving you. Focus on your own life instead, right now, you may feel as though you need your boyfriend in order to be happy. This is a bad mindset to be in. Never depend on someone else to give you your happiness. There is no other person accountable for that but yourself.

You're going to set yourself up for heartache and pain if you're always looking outside of yourself to be happy. Love yourself unconditionally first before you can attract him back. To attract love into your life, you should love yourself first always.

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