I was inspired to write this by a series of events that occurred over the past week or so and when the Muse speaks, what choice do I have, but to oblige?
This morning, I received from my old (well, age-less, but long term) friend Scott Kalechstein, his monthly e-muse letter. In it, he beautifully thanked a mutual friend named Stephen Feig. He started out the article in this way:

“Did you ever have anyone think so highly of you that you avoided them at all costs? There is nothing more hazardous to maintaining a low self-image than someone who sees your magnificence and invites you to remember it for yourself .”
He went on to share that Stephen was instrumental in encouraging him to pursue his musical career and at every turn, was there heaping love and praise upon Scott's head and heart, despite his best efforts to deflect them all. When he learned that resistance was futile, Scott surrendered and as a result has become one of the most prolific and divine spiritual songwriters that I know. His website is www.scottsongs.com

Today, I was sitting with a young woman who, for many months has been a patient in the hospital where I work. She reminds me of a wounded fawn that keeps wounding herself, since that is all she knows. Blessedly, she will be leaving in a few days to live in a residential program that will help her pull her life together. As we were talking, I reminded her of how much of an impact she has had on the other patients and on me. She had written me a letter and made me a card during her lengthy stay and I have them displayed on my office 'wall of fame'. I asked her if she knew why I had them there. Her reply was that it made my office look better. That too, since the art work was colorful and whimsical, but even more importantly, I told her that it was because she had made such a difference in my life for having crossed my path. She didn't seem to know how to accept it.
How often do we deflect the love that is showered on us? I know it's been a challenge for me. When I celebrated my 50th last year, sweet friends from the various circles of my life shared how I had touched them and I have no clear memory of much of what was said, since my shields were up and the words bounced off.

A few years ago, a friend had told me that I saw in him what he wasn't able to see in himself. Isn't that truly what friends are there for, to mirror for us our magnificence and highest light particularly when we can't see it in ourselves? Recently I encountered someone who has found it challenging to see his own worthiness and as a result has not allowed in the love that is there for him. I grok that the light was so bright that he was not able or willing to absorb it, so he too, deflected it. Thinking about it, a feeling of sadness comes over me, since he is so amazing. I sense that about him without even knowing him for very long.
This past weekend, I was in the presence of dear friends at a Beltane festival and felt immersed in love soup. Two of them said something to me that had me giggling in delight, even if I'm not really sure what prompted it. They referred to something I did as an “Edie thing” that they thought should be trademarked. My friend Greg refers to miracles and cosmic coincidences as “Edie moments” since I have reminded him over and over that miracles abound, even if we aren't aware of them.

Today at work, as I was describing a particularly challenging series of events in my life, my friend Peggy referred to me as a 'heart warrior' who keeps on loving no matter what.

Another gift came from my new friend Ben in the form of support and praise for just being who I am. That is priceless.

And yet another arrived last night when my friend Marc commented how glad he was that we have established a connection when we had gotten off to a rough start a few years ago.

At the moment, as fingers touch keyboard, I am allowing myself to bask in the shower of energy that comes from my beloved friends...my family of choice. On the way home from work tonight, I sang along with the sage John Lennon (Mind Games) “Love is the answer. And you know that for sure. Love is the flower, ya gotta let it grow.” The garden of which we are all a part thrives when we let in all the love that is offered us, knowing that we really can be embraced and fully seen. That is worthy of a warrior of the heart.

Author's Bio: 

Edie Weinstein-Moser is a Renaissance Woman and Bliss Mistress who encourages people to live juicy. She is a writer, dynamic and colorful speaker and workshop facilitator, interfaith minister and PR Goddess. Her website is www.liveinjoy.org