Whether we venture to a new part of our country or embark on a trip to a distant corner of the world, traveling offers a gamut of new experiences and learning most of us are eager to enjoy. One part of travel preparation that is often overlooked, however, is how to stay healthy during your trip. Nothing is less enjoyable than getting sick when far away from home and good travel preparation includes addressing this concern. Whether you are heading to a beach resort in Mexico, are on a driving holiday to the Rockies or off to more exotic destinations, homeopathy can be a source of support both before and during your travels.

While Travel Clinics suggest a full range of vaccinations and advice for various destinations, not everyone is comfortable with getting an armful of shots or may suffer from allergies or side effects to recommended medications. As well, there are plenty of illnesses in other parts of the world that are not covered by available medications and pose a risk to travelers who have no previous exposure. For people who “always” get sick when traveling or who risk exposure to serious illnesses in the countries they will be visiting, homeopathic remedies offer a safe and low-cost adjunct to health care preparations ahead of the trip as well as effective treatments for health issues which may arise during their travels.

If you are heading somewhere remote, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with a homeopath who offers travel consultations well ahead of your trip as they can advise you on ways to improve your health and increase your immunity to possible disease exposure before you leave. For all travelers, taking a small kit of homeopathic remedies along can be a godsend to lessen any downtime from commonplace occurrences, such as digestive disturbances, sunburn, injuries, or insect bites/stings. Two homeopathic products I consider essential in any travel kit are Arsenicum Album and Ledum Palustre.

Arsenicum album is an excellent remedy for cases of stomach upset, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Whether one has a digestive disturbance from drinking strange water or gotten actual food poisoning, this remedy can often gently and quickly assist the body to recovery. Sometimes just taking a dose at the first twinge of nausea or loose stool can avert a full-blown attack and help you return to balance without further symptoms. For those who do come down with a fuller picture of “Traveler’s Tummy” (nausea, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, chills), then taking anywhere from 3 to 6 doses of Arsenicum 30C over the course of 24-36 hours may help ease the discomfort and support a faster and more complete recovery.

Ledum Palustre is a remedy for any kind of puncture wound, which can include bites and stings. Also helpful for injuries with deep bruising, it is well-known in first aid situations. For those who are susceptible to insect bites, this remedy may help minimize the symptoms. Its primary value for travelers, however, is in promoting the healing any kind of puncture wound and preventing infection from developing. In the event of a cut, wound or bite, practice good wound hygiene and take 2 doses of Ledum 30C about an hour apart as soon as possible after the injury. Over the next 24 – 48 hours, depending on the severity of the injury another 3-4 doses can be administered, especially if the wound is deep, painful, or red.

Both Arsenicum album and Ledum palustre are homeopathic remedies made from plants. Because remedies have gone through a specialized process of dilution and have no other substances mixed with them, they are safe and gentle for all ages, including infants and elderly people. When traveling through airports, wrap your remedies in 2 layers of aluminum foil and carry in your hand luggage to protect them from radiation devices and ensure their viability.

As always, if you do become seriously ill or sustain a critical injury, get medical help as soon as possible. Have a safe and healthy trip!

Author's Bio: 

Susan Drury, RSHom (NA), CCH is a classical homeopath in private practice in Vancouver, B.C. and offers consulting for travelers heading to any part of the world. Her website is www.healinglifehomeopathy.com and she can be reached at (604)671-7863 or druryperry@shaw.ca.