A member of the Lythraceae family and Botanically named Punica granatum, the pomegranate is a deciduous tree growing to around 7 to 8 metres. The pomegranate is a native to areas around Southwest Asia. It has been grown for its fruit for centuries. Today it can be found growing today in many areas around the world including India, Turkey, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Malaysia. It is still commonly grown in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Pomegranate has been mentioned in mythological stories and has found a solid foundation in Greece and Italy.

Pomegranates have long been recognised for their many health benefits.

They are recognised for improving the health of the Heart by improving blood circulation. Regular intake of pomegranate has shown to reduce or prevent hardening of artery walls and preventing the build up of arterial plaque. Clean and clear arteries can help prevent strokes or heart failure.

Pomegranates high Antioxidant content has many benefits, as is the case with all foods high in Antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for their ability to slow the effects of aging and may also assist in the prevention of Alzheimer’s. People have also found Pomegranate relieving to sore throats and other symptoms associated with colds and flu.

Antioxidants assist in clearing the body of damaging free radicals, which can assist in the prevention of cancer. Some studies have shown Pomegranate can have advantages specifically to prostate cancer and associated problems and symptoms.

Pomegranate is rich in Vitamin C and contains significant levels of Vitamin E. Fruits like Pomegranate, Plums, Kiwi Fruit, Grapes and Blackberries have high levels of vitamin K.

The Pomegranate is rich in B group Vitamins – Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and Pantothenic Acid.

Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Phosphorous and Iron are all present in significant levels.

Pomegranate can be used in many ways in the diet.

The most practical and most common way to consume pomegranate is straight from the “pod”. The flesh-covered seed is all consumable.

Pomegranate can be used to make jams, chutney and other preserves as either a base ingredient or as an addition to an alternative base ingredient.

Pomegranate is used in mixed salads including summer salads and fruit salads.

Pomegranate is ideally consumed as a juice. The cultivation of it in America is mainly for the commercial juice market. The syrup or juice of the pomegranate can be drunk as is or it can be used as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces and in salad dressings.

Regardless of how it is consumed it is a nutritious addition to add to your diet for maintaining a high quality of health.

Author's Bio: 

Eric J. Smith is an Experienced Horticulturalist with a keen interest in Organic Gardening. Eric's interest in Organics also shows in his interest in Organic Nutrition and Organic Skincare. More information can be found on these by visiting his websites...

http://www.buy-organic-products.com/health/ for Organic Health related products and information on living an Organic Lifestyle.

http://www.lifestyle-health-services.com for general health information and articles on living a Healthy Lifestyle.

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