I feel for anyone who has digestive problems and abdominal pain or stomach discomfort that results from gas, improper digestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or even allergies. Whatever is causing your pain there are things you can do without prescription medications that do work. I know because I had terrible digestion problems with certain foods and gluten intolerance.

There are many factors that can cause abdominal pain and digestion problems which many times are related to digestive enzymes, improper chewing and gluten intolerance being a large one. I’m going to list a few of the top things you can do to help.

Probiotics especially are beneficial to;

--promote digestive health
--maintain natural immune system health
--provide beneficial intestinal flora

In the 1970’s Dr. S.K. Dash employed as director of Food and Drug for South Dakota found that a probiotic, which by the way, was approved as a drug by the US Department of Agriculture in the 50’s for livestock was 97 percent effective in eliminating E. coli infections in cattle. The same result of effectiveness is about the same as using an antibiotic. The problem was that back in the 50’s antibiotics were a new “wonder” drug and used over the natural probiotic choice.

You can take a probiotic pill supplement but a more natural way to get your probiotics is to just eat sauerkraut and yogurt on a regular basis.

Another stomach soother is aloe vera, an often overlooked supplement for digestion. Aloe contains:

--Twenty amino acids
--Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E
--There are stomach formulas specifically made for digestive problems containing ingredients like mint, chamomile leaf, marshmallow root, ginger root, slippery elm, apple extract and fennel seed all of which are good for your stomach and intestinal health.
--Aloe vera contains calcium and malic acid providing a pH balancing of the acid levels in the stomach and support for such ailments as GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and other common digestive health issues.

Studies have shown that aloe helps support a healthy immune system, improves absorption of other vitamins, minerals, and herbs, and maintains general wellness.

Enzymes are another helper for stomach digestion. If after eating you notice gas building up it could be a lack of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down your chewed food into yet smaller molecules so that they can be absorbed by the body and are found and released in the stomach, pancreas, small intestines and mouth.

Different enzymes perform different functions. For instance lipase breaks down fats while amylase breaks down carbohydrates. The pancreas releases many complex digestive enzymes that perform a wide range of functions for your endocrine system. If one part of the chain is broken, say lack of a particular enzyme within your body, your system can not function as it should, resulting in digestive issues.

If you are stressed or eat oversized portions of food, or certain foods like beans, dairy, alcohol and caffeine, to mention a few, you may be making your symptoms worse. You may have allergies to dairy, wheat, gluten, peanuts, beans, soy, corn and not even know it.

Many people avoid fiber believing it can make their symptoms worse, but fiber is very beneficial to your intestinal health. Use whole foods instead of supplements if possible. Gradually add fiber to your diet and drink plenty of water. Getting exercise daily in some form can also help with digestion. Taking a probiotic and a complex enzyme supplement has shown to help many people with stomach pain or digestion problems. If you have chronic pain you should have a doctor make certain your symptoms are not related to a more serious problem.

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Shelly is a regular contributor to natural medicine sites as an alternative to harsh medications. For more information on natural abdominal relief remedies or any supplements to maintain or improve your health visit Healing Natural Remedies. Also visit our Natural Pet Blog for healthy alternatives to harsh pet medications.