Having trust issues with other people can be very limiting to your own path to happiness. There are many times when these insecurities are valid, however, there are also numerous times when you may be over analyzing. This can be caused by personal issues that hurt you years and years before, often even from you childhood. The power of subconscious fear and its grip on your daily life can be excessive. We offer you the advice to step back and try to recognize what the driving force behind your actions are.

This subject comes up because we are doing everything possible to make your lives more serene and peaceful. We want the physical plane to be abundant with love, prosperity and opportunity for each of you. No one is without the ability to feel blessed by the hand of the Creator, nor should you ever feel that way. Your life is important! This is true whether seen from our perch in spirit or yours on earth. Never forget how awesome you are and will continue to be. Perhaps the trust issues need to be looked at in the way you view yourself before you can remove the blocks that are caused by others.

Of course, there will be times when removing certain people from your life is the best path to long-term happiness. This is not said lightly, but with the opinion that you have communicated your point to whomever this may be. If no serious or true effort is made to improve on what is irking you, then often times the road you need to take is the one that separates you from those who limit your inner joy. There are many times when a release of what might even be a long relationship will have substantial benefits to you. When people with realistic problems refuse to address them, then perhaps your decision to go on a different route is the basis of a lesson that gives you strength.

This topic is far more complicated than can be shared quickly. However, the bulk of what we need you to understand is that you should always be trusting of yourself. If you cannot do so, then it may be time to evaluate yourself. Where there is fear of change, there is stagnancy in life. Never feel that things are out of control and too much to deal with. You are capable of changing the messages you send to yourself and the world. Love who you are just as your loved ones in spirit do. Trust that your angels are gliding with you. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Author's Bio: 

Jim is a renowned medium and psychic, but considers himself a teacher of spirituality. Although he has been doing most of his work on a more personal basis, Jim's new direction is to try to include more people to understand the simple, yet perfect connection they can have with their loved ones on the other side.

The ability to communicate with Spirits was not something he searched for. In July of 1993, while enduring a very difficult time in his life, Jim was suddenly blessed with being able to speak, see and hear numerous people and higher level souls in the other realm. He openly and actively shares the information he gets with anyone who desires to improve their life.

Jim Fargiano can be reached on Facebook and Twitter, but most easily through his website at: http://www.Jimfargiano.com. He is a widely recognized leader in spirituality and posts messages he receives from the other side almost everyday. Short quotes will be on the fan page for The Spoken Words of Spirit on Facebook, as well as on his home page. Longer messages can be read at http://www.jimfargiano.blogspot.com. If you are serious about improving your outlook on life, then take advantage of the opportunities Jim provides.