Since we are amidst a food revolution in this country as well as many countries around the world I am excited to switch to a diet of all vegetables, fruits, and nuts. To voice my disapproval to the FDA for putting their dirty hands into our food system I will be vegetarian from this day forward.

In fact, 95 percent of the meat you eat is loaded with poisons. A vegetarian lifestyle is much healthier than eating red meats, greasy foods and all the chemicals in the food today. Science is even considering linking Alzheimer's to excess meat consumption.

Consider these facts:

- According to the National Cancer Institute, more than one-third of all cancers are diet-related. Up to 50 percent of all cancers can be linked to poor diet among non-smokers.
- The American Cancer Institute said that choosing a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes and minimally processed starchy staple foods combined with not smoking could reduce cancer risk by an estimated 60 to 70 percent, saving the lives of more than 375,000 Americans each year.
- A study of 88,000 women found that those eating the most animal fat were nearly twice as likely to develop colon cancer as those eating less animal fat.
- According to the Oxford Vegetarian Study in England, vegetarians have 30 percent less risk of heart disease. Those eating neither meat nor dairy had 57 percent less risk, according to one study.

For me, this is even more of a reason to go all organic with foods including vegetables and fruits, just the thought alone that since the 1960s our government has known about mad cow disease and the stuff that may be causing some of these "brain diseases" makes me disgusted with meat eating.

But many people worry about the protein, they just cannot get themselves to even think about eating that strange food called Tofu. Well here's a bit of good news for all of you suffering from Tofu phobia, there are many sources other than Tofu for which you can get your protein some are beans and legumes, nuts, peanut butter, cheese yogurt, and whole grain products as well as green leafy vegetables.

But even Tofu is evolving these days, there is now many different flavors of protein available making this strange food more appetizing. Even if a vegetarian diet isn't for you, you still cannot deny the health benefits of being a vegetarian, the vegetarian's say eat more plants and fewer animals, but then the cows say eat more chicken and less beef. No matter who is right I say eat what you like but at least eat healthily and that means all natural, and organic local foods.

Author's Bio: 

I am a published author and freelance writer with over 30 years experience. I have written for many high profile companies online including Yahoo! Inc.,,, and have done 1000’s of gigs for freelance writing for folks all over the planet. I’ve had pieces published in many high profile magazines such as The New Pioneer, American Frontiersman, Backwoodsman, American Survival Guide, and Self Reliance digital magazine. I currently am a feature writer for Athlon Outdoors Inc. where I write pieces for The New Pioneer, American Frontiersman, and Survivor’s Edge magazines. I write about things that benefit others, because, to me, this is the reason I exist, to help others and to be a truth bringer. Writing is poetry, it is powerful and has a way of uncovering darkness even in the darkest times. I specialize in all things, natural living. But I also write about Zen, Spirituality, homesteading, green and organic living, off-grid living, hiking the Appalachian Trail, prepping, survival and other subjects associated with these. If you are into these or subjects like these, follow me, you won’t be sorry. Find all my books here: