A guardian angel for a happy child is someone who responsibly acts consciously and subconsciously as a guardian to protect and nurture a child's happiness. The common phrase of "watch out - little ears, little ears" always reminds us that a child is hearing what we are saying, however it is more appropriate to say "watch out - little minds, little minds". Whether you believe it or not, our being which includes our words has a major impact on the little ones in our lives, be it our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, friends children, students, and the list goes on and on.
The Importance To Being A Guardian For A Child's Happiness
In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton shares the importance that the first six years of a child's life are the most crucial because they are a computer processor downloading everything they see and hear into their own subconscious minds only to be recalled later as a known way of being. Finally realizing that as a fact in my own life made my existence in the lives of the children around me so much more important. I am now consciously responsible, a guardian, for their happiness and you are too.
We Can Make A Difference In A Child's Happiness Right Now
You can begin making a difference in the life of a child right now. It starts with your own thoughts and vibrations. A child can intuitively pick up on your vibrations. Being aware of how we are feeling and the projection of that energy does affect them. Your energy can be sensed and picked up so easily by a child. Notice how they instinctively know fear immediately. Be aware that how you feel about something is affecting how they feel about it too.
For example, comments about the recent economic changes are being spewed from people everywhere you go lately, at work, the grocery store, friends and family. Consequently, your reaction and vibration around your abundance and our economy in general is surely affecting and forming the thoughts and feelings on this topic for the children in your life. Ever notice how they manage to hear those less-desired words you say and then repeat them later when you least expect it? Well it is the same way with beliefs, they inherit your beliefs.
Your Beliefs Affect Your Own Happiness And The Happiness Of A Child
So we begin by changing our own beliefs because after all if we are the ones being emulated then it is really us who needs to manifest change. If you are not sure of your happiness level and want to explore, begin with a super awareness of your daily routine and how you are feeling about your life, your actions, your routine. When you can turn inward then you can begin asking the questions that really matter. Start now by taking five minutes just to yourself and asking "what do I need?" Often times it is neglecting ourselves and our needs that robs us of our own happiness. Do this today and begin on your own personal path back to happiness and your inner child who knows happiness. Our children instinctively are born with complete joy and happiness. We want to guard that happiness as a precious gift to never let it slip away from them.
Rebecca is the author of Guardian Angel For A Happy Child. Obtain a free download of her book at http://www.guardianangelforahappychild.com or visit http://www.mybiglifecoaching.com for coaching services and information.
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