Hair transplantation is the most natural and permanent way of making people, who suffer from hair loss, have new hair. In Hair Transplant, the hair is taken from the back and sides part of the scalp and implanted on the bald areas of the person.
The following are the cities in South India where you find the Best Hair transplant is performed like Chennai, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. where outstanding innovations in healthcare are taking place.

Do you have hair transplant questions?
Well, we’ve got answers. Browse the questions below to get answers to some of the most common questions about hair transplant.

What is a hair transplant?
Hair transplantation, it’s a surgical technique in which hair follicles are removed from one part of the body which is preferably Back and sides part of the scalp, called as the donor site and then is placed on to the bald or balding site which is called the recipient site.

Who can undergo hair transplantation?
The ideal age to have a hair transplant is above 25 years. The Male baldness pattern is genetic and of progressive nature which keeps shifting over a period.
However, some people will suffer hair loss and hair thinning from an early age. So, the best thing for them is to go for medication and PRP treatment for hair regrowth.

What are the methods used for hair transplantation?
In the hair transplantation procedures; Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) are two methods that perform the extraction process in hair transplant.
FUE method that does not leave any scar and FUT method that leaves a slight scar in the back part of the head is performed with success.
The patient who will undergo hair transplantation from the above procedures one should have healthy hair at the back and sides of hair transplant.

How much time does it take for a hair transplant procedure?
The hair transplant procedure depends upon the number of hair grafts a person requires, it will come to know by the level of baldness the person had.
If the baldness area is too large, more than one session may be required to complete the treatment. In general, the surgery is carried out with sedation under local anesthesia.

How much time does it take for regrowth of hair after the treatment?
After surgery, a gauze band is tied on the implanted area. The next day of surgery the gauze band is removed and with the help of body lotion, the implanted area is washed.
It takes a full year for effects of a hair transplant to fully appear. Growth will gradually begin after the 4-month mark and continue to increase up until a year. After the one-year mark, significant changes in hair growth will stop.

From which area are hair taken for the hair transplantation?
In this procedure, the hair follicles are taken generally from the back and side part of the scalp. These hair follicles taken are called grafts.
In rare cases, if you don’t have enough healthy hair at the back side of your scalp. In such cases, hair follicles may be taken from other parts of the body with hair, such as the arms or the chest wall of the patient.

What are the risks in hair transplantation?
Like every medical procedure, hair transplantation carries various risks. Hair transplantation is a long procedure and it takes a year for hair regrowth.
Complications such as infection and significant scars may be seen although these are very rare.
After the operation, the pain can be controlled by pain relievers, the sensation of disturbance, some amount of swelling may be observed.
Numbness may occur where the hair is taken or where the hair is transplanted, and this recovers spontaneously within 2-3 months.

Author's Bio: 

I am Sanjeeva Reddy, a medical and health research blogger. I am a strong learner and passionate writer.