If you want to reduce hair fall, then the solution is hair loss cure. There are various reasons for hair loss – these are stress, diet and hormonal disability. As both men and women are affected, the symptoms are similar. Scientists are constantly researching on newer ways by which the disease can be cured.

The life cycle of a single hair is two to three years. Each hair grows roughly one centimeter every month. There are two types of hair commonly found – the growing hair and the resting hair. The former is the new hair which grows within time whereas the later one is the old hair which falls over time.

First we will concentrate on the symptoms of hair loss. Baldness normally occurs at the top or front of the head. This turns into patches and finally covers the whole scalp. Irritation, inflammation, red skin and pain are some of the indications which can be healed through hair loss cure. Pregnant women can experience similar signs.

There are number of prescription medicines which are available in the market. These are in demand but contain side effects. While you select any one of them, make sure you do not fall into trouble. Luckily, there are natural ways too which help solve the problem and more people are relying on these.

You should consider the doctor’s advice in the following cases – losing hair abnormally, pain or itching, red scalp area, bald spots and increase in weight. He will take a detailed medical test and examine the hair and scalp condition. Make sure he knows all the symptoms thoroughly or else the loss won’t be treated.

The hair fall cure is different for men and women. While DHT control is a solution for the male, stress reduction can reduce hair reduction for the opposite sex. The process includes surgery or simple medicines. Depending on the cost, type and the associated risks, you should choose the therapy.

Let’s concentrate on the treatment which you can avail in India. There are number of medical centers which cure the problem of hair fall. Choose the best one which has a good reputation. If you want to go abroad, shell out more money but with recent scientific innovations the result is almost the same. The latest developments include the hair transplant. Over the years scientists have made remarkable progress to stop Hair Loss through hair loss cure.

Author's Bio: 

Mak Jonson is a Hair Expert who has knowledge on Hair Loss. To know more about hair loss cure, please do visit www.hairtreatmentexperts.com