Continually focusing on what isn't only gives more power to it. The universe doesn't really have an opinion about what you want or don't want. It just listens to you. So, if you are telling the universe that the status quo is okay with you, it will listen. The universe doesn't pick and choose who gets what they want. It doesn't say, "Oh, you are a better person, therefore you get what you want, but you? You're not worthy." It simply listens to the messages you are sending out.

We are all put on this planet to be the fullest possible expression of our true selves. That's what you want, so to do that, you have to step into your authentic self. Stepping into the real you means you have to look elsewhere (from the usual places) to make a change. What you have been doing all along is just getting the same results.

Look to something new. And don't start worrying! Don't ask, "What if it doesn't work?"(That's up to you!) Don't ask, "What if I can't afford it?" (Is it that you don't have the money, or you can't decide to use it for something that could change your life?) And definitely don't ask: "What if I'm not good enough?" (How do you know that to be true? What's the worst thing that could happen?).

Worrying is a natural state of affairs, of course, and we all do it. However, fear and worry are pretty low on the vibration scale! And when we worry, we vibrate at that level. It attracts more to worry about. It attracts more of what you don't want when all you are thinking about is... what you don't want!

So what about those resolutions? Did you try anything different, or did you simply try the same old thing, only "harder," hoping willpower would muscle you through? Well, I'm here to tell you that if you want something different, you have to do something different.

Every time I have invested in myself, my self-development, my business growth (in amounts that might make your hair stand on end!) the universe has brought more opportunities to me, opened more doors - almost like a miracle. But it wasn't a miracle; it was the universe simply listening to me, and responding in kind. It knew I meant business and it knew I was stepping up to the plate, putting some skin in the game. It was proof I was ready for change.

When you invest in yourself, you are coming from a place of abundance, knowing it will all be returned tenfold to you. The universe hears that you are serious! It knows you believe you are ready to take the next step, and it provides what you need.

Often it comes in forms you don't expect, sometimes disguised as an opportunity. The important point is to recognize the opportunity when it is presented to you.

So, look around. Where are you worrying and stopping yourself? What do you keep telling yourself when you obsessively fear the worst? When you don't believe you're worth it or capable?

Here's a simple exercise:

Write down your fears. Be honest.
Answer the following question about each fear: "How likely is it that that will come true" or, "How do I know that to be true, really?"
Usually, our worry stems from fears that we're not good enough to accomplish our goals.

When you look your fears or worries right in the face, they tend to back down. THEN, you can tell the universe you are ready to let that worry go.

Turn your fear into an affirmation that you will take action on. Do it in incremental steps, ones you believe you can accomplish, but that are a stretch.

THEN, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY! Invest in a program to give yourself the tools to let these things go. Engage another part of you in the growth process... You can move your body in exercise, or engage your spirit with meditation or other spiritual work.

Change comes when YOU change. When you want to see a different result, think outside the box, and do something different. Stretch your belief in yourself so that you can see other options.

And then, just do it.

You're worth it... and you have the obligation to step fully into who you were meant to be. Because, Erma Bombeck says it well:

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'."

~ Erma Bombeck

Author's Bio: 

Teri Goetz, CPC, MS, L.Ac. is fiercely committed to helping women transform what they believe is possible for themselves so they reclaim their excitement and passion for what’s next and wake up every day to a life they love. By showing women how to reconnect with those alive and juicy parts of themselves, Teri shows women how to merge the very best of who they are now with that spark, energy and enthusiasm for life they once felt years ago. If you are looking for a wise, spiritually grounded expert to help you reconnect with that passion and purpose deep inside of you, push aside your fears, and find what's been missing in your life, you've come to the right place. With more than 22 years of experience, Teri can help you transform your fears, doubts and old stories into a new life of unshakeable confidence and joy .

Personal note: I am a personal reinvention expert coach, a practitioner of Chinese medicine, Reiki Master, spiritual guide and visionary. I have worked with women for 22+ years, through every life transition, from childbirth educator, birth hypnotist and doula to infertility and menopause expert. It is through my own divorce, however, that I personally transformed my life, which compelled me to do what it is I do best: coach women.

I am also an expert in creating personalized visualizations and affirmations that work, and are based on science AND spirit! Get yours below!

I write, speak and teach groups, as well as work one on one with women by phone or skype. I love my life, and I want to help you love yours, too!
go to and grab my free 9 minute audio download of Daily Affirmations.
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