Thank You For Being Here

Being grateful makes you feel good. Beginning each day with a prayer of gratitude synchs you up and puts you in The Divine Flow. It opens the door to abundance. Being grateful will make you feel good. Feeling good is where we want to be to manifest our desires. Gratitude vibratesWe have so much to be grateful for. Here are a few ideas to assist you:

Our vibrant health
being alive
the beauty of nature
a job/ new clients
being able to see
having a car
being able to walk
our children
our friends
having a roof over our head
food on our table

Okay so you don’t want to be a Buddha, Gratitude is still a very important aspect of life. Appreciation however has a higher vibration.

APPRECIATION AND LOVE ARE THE SAME. Appreciation is like looking at everything through the eyes of God. With complete love and acceptance.

Appreciation is the state that you want to be in all the time. When you appreciate everything in your life your world will become a more beautiful place. Life will be easier to live. Appreciate your children, your partner, your spouse, the beauty of nature and your pets. Show appreciation to those you encounter on a daily basis.

Love and Appreciation coupled with feeling good and happy will bring your desires to you so much faster.

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a mystic, author, inspirational speaker, teacher and Hypnotherapist Certified Dating and Relationship Coach. She can be heard on her Inspirational talk show on Voice America - INTO THE MYSTIC airs on Thursday at 1:00 PST, 2:00 MST, 4:00 EST. It can be downloaded anytime from i-Tunes or Voice America.

Her transformational book was channeled through The Ascended Masters and is available through Odyssey Victim to Victory.