In most workplaces, the Interview is the final showdown; the Make It or Break It, Sink or Swim, face to face meeting between you and them. ‘You’ are a great team. ‘You’ are successful together. ‘You’ have developed a shortlist of ‘Them’ (viable candidates). One of ‘them’ may join ‘you’, and if the fit is not right, it will hurt how ‘You’ perform. To ensure ‘You’ welcome the right one of ‘them’, here are a few good questions to ask in an interview as an employer.
1. Tell us a little about yourself
Beginning with an easy to answer, seemingly unrelated question builds rapport with your candidate, making them feel more comfortable and likely more open, which will allow you a clearer picture of their true personality and ultimate fit within your organization, department, team, etc. Secondly, will the answer be a simple reiteration of their resume, or are we going to get to know the person behind the resume?
2. If you were hiring someone for this position, what would you look for?
This is not a common interview question. When a candidate is asked a question they are not expecting, their answers tend to be less rehearsed and more candid. How well does the candidate understand the role or the business in general?
3. Describe the things that frustrate you and how you deal with them?
Conflict is not a bad word; and it is inevitable in an environment - such as a workplace - that combines people with different backgrounds and personalities. Answers to this question speak to an individual’s ability to problem solve and fit in with your organization’s philosophies around conflict.
4. What are 3 positive things you last boss would say about you?
Don’t ask candidates to list their strengths and weaknesses. They expect this question and they have prepared for it. Catch them off guard and ask them instead what others would say their strengths and weaknesses are. The answers may be quite different. Following an interview, a seasoned recruiter will conduct reference checks with that last boss to compare.
5. What role do you usually take in a team setting?
Your whole establishment is a team. This question is great for recruitment agencies, but especially can help you anticipate how a potential candidate will contribute to their immediate team and your business in general. This question can illicit a variety of answers Their answer may speak to their motivation or their personality. It may shine light on a candidate’s level of autonomy, or potential for moving up in the future
6. Do you have any questions for us?
Best. Question. Ever. Although this is a pretty standard question, reversing roles communicates that the company seeks an open dialogue, and it helps you ascertain just how curious and knowledgeable a candidate is about your company. If s/he doesn't ask any questions about the job or the business, it's a safe bet her/his heart isn't in it.
As an employer, you understand the interview session is an integral part of the recruitment process. Remember to make the interview count and ask good questions.
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