There’s really nothing more beautiful than a nice summer wedding. You can set the scene in your imagination: maybe it’s beachside, with folding shabby chic chairs and string lights and a barefoot bride and groom who walk down to the water instead of walking down the aisle. Maybe it’s set at a farm upstate, with a single long table covered in crisp white linens and tea lights dotting the seats in mason jars. Maybe it’s a traditional wedding held in a church, a white dress with a Cinderella skirt, the hot summer breeze blowing kisses through the air as you exchange your vows. Everyone has a dream wedding in their heads, the one they’ve been planning since they were a little girl. Maybe you were the one twirling around in your mother’s wedding dress, clomping around in shoes many sizes too big as a young child. Maybe you were the girl who walked down the aisle with her best friend, her next door neighbor, her first boyfriend – all in the privacy of her own attic, with sunlight dappling the wooden beams and the smell of mothballs permeating your grandmother’s dress. Maybe you draped pearls around your neck and gave your vows into the mirror, just in case you needed to use them one day. Whatever the ritual, chances are, if you’re a girl, you’ve been planning your wedding since you knew what a wedding was – dreaming of the day your father would give you a way, the day you’d walk down the aisle, or the beach, or the mountain with your best friends trailing behind you and your youngest sister as the flower girl, trotting along, sprinkling petals as she went. Very few women have come all the way to their wedding day without lots of thought and planning – it’s just something that’s in our blood. We can’t help it!

Weddings are to women what a world championship sports game is to men. They take planning, they take preparation, and perhaps most importantly – they have to be perfect. Given how long you’ve been planning the big day, it can be heart-shattering when something goes wrong. We all want the big day to be everything we’ve dreamed of and more – from the cake to the dress to the location to the bridesmaids. One little thing can make all the other big things seem irrelevant – which is why it’s of utmost importance to have your outfit planned out to a tee before the big day. Most women shop for their dress ahead of time, accompanied by girlfriends and mothers who ooh and ahh over silk at bridal boutiques, who touch chiffon, cooing, “This is it. This is the one.” But most women neglect an important part of the equation: the jewelry. Most brides end up falling into the cliché and donning diamonds, which is a shame, because there’s so much beautiful gold jewelry out there. Unlike diamonds, which might be a girl’s best friend but aren’t exactly revolutionary, gold jewelry is sophisticated and elegant, sparkles in the sun, and can be worn again and again.

For summer weddings, there’s really nothing better. Gold jewelry sets you apart from the other brides, the ones choosing more traditional jewels made of diamonds or silver. Gold is bright, it’s happy, and it’s as sophisticated as it gets. If you feel you can’t have a wedding without diamonds, consider matching tiny diamond stud earrings to your ring, but going gold for the necklace. A simple infinity symbol, for example, can represent the everlasting love between you and your fiancé. Or perhaps a simple gold star can represent hopes and dreams you might have for the future. No matter what design you choose, gold jewelry epitomizes summer. It’s light, it’s fresh, it’s happy and full of all the great things you’re meant to feel on your wedding day. As you stand in the chapel, or on the beach, or in a field, and exchange your vows, the light will bounce off your jewelry, bringing a radiant glow to your face that makeup alone simply can’t achieve. Thin gold bangles are another great option, especially for those with strapless dresses. Strapless gowns also look great with a simple necklace, especially when you’re looking to show off a sweetheart neckline. Gold ball studs are great for those going for a fun, flirty, and younger look, while traditional gals will love a simple gold necklace that lands just below the collarbone.

Gold is sophisticated – but it’s also timeless. It’s not overtly trendy and it doesn’t go out of style. It’s a worthy investment, both financially and for the sake of your jewelry box. Unlike diamonds, which you can really only wear on special occasions, gold jewelry can be worn at all times – so you’ll get good use out of what you buy.

Author's Bio: 

Kruger Jake is a freelance writer who writes about fashion apparel such as watches and gold jewelry.