God’s Love is deep within me ever satisfying my mind, body, and soul.
God’s sweet, sweet, Spirit of Love, Wisdom, and Healing are deep within each of us. God’s Spirit is at the root of every thing, no matter how far it might seem at any given time.
Life can have its way with us, so to speak. It can hypnotize us into believing Spirit could not be here, not in this! But there is only One God, One Spirit and there is no where God is not! That is why speaking words of Truth and Love to our mind and bodies help us to wake up and recognize the voice of God, resonating always with words of truth. With practice the words become flesh, and I am healed, even if the dis-ease or pain, is still present.
Knowing God’s Spirit within you as omnipotence, we are powerful and power filled! Therefore, you can meet your fear’s head on. When we face challenges of the mind and body, it can be fearful. I have always loved when Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan,” even though it was to some degree in a different context. When and if you can catch yourself before your thinking spirals into fear, “Get behind me Satan” suggests says, get behind me temptation to believe that God is not hear. Replace it with (your words) but something like, “God’s Love is deep within me, ever satisfying my mind, body and spirit.” Sing it, say it out loud, keep it running in your heart and mind just as the fearful thought might have run you. This is a three-step process. The fear or temptation needs to be acknowledged, and immediately surrendered. Recall the Truth of your being and then release.
One problem with speaking words of life, are you must clear the ground of your being, the garden of life, by recognizing fear as it arises. No one would plant a new garden without clearing out the old. Facing what we are afraid of, with God’s Omnipresent Spirit, will help to clear up and out old thinking. I love the affirmation, “Reveal what needs to be revealed, and heal what needs to be healed.” This says, I don’t have to look at every fear I have ever had, I just need revelation on what I am not surrendering to God’s Omnipotence. Then deep listening is required. The voice of pain and suffering is loud, so going “deep within me” is required. Then, ironically, you might find that there was not a deep root after all, instead just an old thought you had been carrying around, much like a weed that pulls up easily once the soil is loosened.
Sciences suggest that we have muscle memory, meaning if you have exercised your body in the past your muscles will re-build faster. We have spiritual muscle memory as well. If in the past you have prayed, meditated, and worked on listening deeply but have gotten away from it due to the myriad of reasons we give ourselves, your spiritual muscle is just waiting for you to begin again.
What if you have never practiced any of this? We are all so blessed and loved! Our true nature is spiritual and God’s sweet, sweet love song is ever calling us home to the heart of us. When you begin to speak the word, visualize the words, feel the word your spiritual nature will resonate and begin to hum along. Before too long you feel that spiritual muscle strengthening.
Use these three R’s as practice and remembering; Recognize, nothing will change until you recognize you are fearful, angry, depressed or whatever has you captured so to speak. Jesus recognized the “hook” of Satan (the tempter) and he called it out. Recall. Recall that God’s sweet Spirit is here, now. Recall the times when you have released fears before. Most importantly recall that Spirit is going before you making clear your way once you have recognized the blockage. Release. Through releasing we affirm, sing, dance, walk, journal whatever works for you. “I am free, I am unlimited, there are no chains that bind me, I am free I am unlimited, right now, right now!” as the old hymn reminds us.
Learning to speak the word is power-filled. In a moment you can call forth the peace that passes all understanding, you can renew your thinking, you can come to yourself as the prodigal son did when he was in the “far country.”
The most important part is the practice of remembering, then taking action. Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” We love the renewing of our minds but we cannot miss the first step, conforming to this world. Many of us are much more “conformed” to our worldly beliefs that we realize and that is why recognition the one of the first steps. Renewing our minds follows, out picturing “what is good is acceptable and perfect.”
Rev. Lana Charlton is the senior minister at Unity Gateway Church, Coral Springs, FL, and writes for numerous worldwide, national, and local publications
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