If you are gaining weight without eating calorie rich diet, your breasts are sore and your periods are irregular then there are chances that you have reached pre-menopause age. If you are in the age group of 45 to 55 and you are experiencing the above mentioned symptoms then it is certain that you are soon going to have menopause. One of the pre-menopause symptoms is hot flashes and you should know how to stop hot flashes otherwise this symptom will be uncomfortable until you achieve menopause. A hot flash is a heat wave generated from within the body. This heat wave can erupt from your body anytime of the day and for this reason you should get ready to cope with these heat waves.

Decrease in estrogen and progesterone hormones cause heat waves in the body and intensity of these waves vary from person to person. Some women experience mild heat waves, while, others wave sever waves. But one shouldn’t panic as these waves subside with time. Also you can take some steps to reduce the intensity of these heat waves. The first thing you need to do is make some dietary changes. Avoid taking spicy and oily food. Also abstain from alcoholic beverages and other triggers like caffeine and caffeinated drinks. This is how to stop hot flashes.

When experiencing pre-menopause symptoms, women should wear clothes made of natural fiber and dress in layers. Dressing in layers and wearing dresses made of natural fiber can diffuse the heat waves and keep you cool when hot flashes occur. You should take vitamin E, C, B complex, calcium and magnesium as these natural supplements can reduce the intensity of heat waves. You should live a stress free life as stress and tension increase the intensity of heat waves. Regular exercises can help reduce stress and tension. Simply put, you need to adopt a healthy and happy lifestyle during your pre-menopause phase to stop heat waves. This is how to stop hot flashes.

Some women consider doing hormone replacement therapy just to stop hot flashes. It is not a good idea to undergo HRT when you can cure these heat waves naturally. If you can make changes in your diet, exercise regularly and dress in layers then there is no need to take any medicine for heat waves. If you want to cure heat waves with medicine then take herbal medicines that have no side effect. This is how to stop hot flashes.

Author's Bio: 

Roy Hanenburg is a widely known personality delivering the content on a variety of health related topics. The author specializes in helping people to get the information on the natural remedies for hot flashes.For More Information Please Visit, How to Stop Hot Flashes & Hot Flash Remedies.