Global Coherence and Horses in Equine Assisted Life Coaching
At last, after years of “working blind” and following a seemingly endless intuitive path with horses in personal development we have a break through.
Holistequine work involves “maximizing human potential through the spirit of the horse “ and has come full circle with an understanding of what it means to connect the 2 polarities, represented by our Earth journey, a journey into Oneness.
It is now time for the head and the heart, Heaven and Earth and the left and right brain to synchronize as ONE
As we face life’s painful challenges it is often hard to retain the memory of our spiritual destiny of why we are here and remember that there is a predetermined positive future ahead for all is easy to get lost in the mundane and fall into the chaos going on around us.
As we are propelled forward on this evolutionary journey eventually things clear and we see our path more clearly
For me the breakthrough came after hearing of a group of scientists now working together to expand their understanding of human consciousness, a venture called the Global Coherence Initiative Project. Their work parallels our work with horses and the Whole Body Intelligence findings at Holistequine.........
Although they have reached their conclusions and documented their findings from left brain “science” we have reached the same point by approaching it from an intuitive perspective, documenting a practical appreciation of “whole energy fields” while working predominantly through the right brain with horses and Nature
Over the years of working with students and clients in equine assisted life coaching our findings have pointed toward what the Global Coherence Initiative Project now suggests in that because the horse resonates at a level of “service” to man it comes within the frequency of 7.8 Htz or unconditional love therefore bypassing the human ego and connecting directly to our spirit.
During a session an energetic transference occurs, the horse’s frequency of 7.8 Htz is used as a “reference point”, an energetic mirror for the client to recognise their own potential.
The horses have shown us that by marrying the polarities of the Alpha and Beta brainwaves we can positively amplify our intentions out to the world and change human consciousness.
The key is in freeing the subconscious by integrating the dualities of the left and right brain.....and all they represent to the ego symbolically.
Planet Earth presents humans with an opportunity to find Oneness through comparison, to find a balance by sorting through duality, polarity and a sense of separation. Once we can see life from a “whole energy” perspective then we cease to take things personally, we see that everything is not either/or, right/wrong, we see that ALL is energy and, as we learn how to balance this energy everything falls into place
Humans and the physical world consist of opposing forces i.e. Yin/ Yang, fear/faith, electro and magnetic energy, our 2 strands of DNA etc. F
Many of these opposing forces such as selfish/selfless, give/take and how we integrate these characteristics in our own lives will need our attention for example too much fire will evaporate water and too much water puts out fire, but when we find a balance it allows us to create.
Our health and wellbeing rely on harmony between the two halves of our brain to balance our Nervous System as it is vital that the fight/flight response is not overactive and that our Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems function properly.
Like a domino effect we believe that all physical health, emotional, mental and spiritual problems will be resolved by finding this balance between Alpha and Beta consciousness i.e. our left and right brain. Just as we know that a balance of PH influences our physical wellbeing.
However when we succumb to a hectic lifestyle the Beta consciousness overrides the Alpha brain wave state, we find ourselves stressed and if this is not rectified overtime it will create physical dis-ease, for example...........
Through our work with horses we now see that when left and right brain resonate at the same frequency the body’s energy field vibrates at 7.8 Htz. (or the Alpha frequency) and the body, mind and spirit will function as ONE. The heart rhythm will synchronise with Universal Oneness and a coherent rhythm will Entrain all the other organs of the body so that we experience a connection and “knowing from the heart”. When we learn to use our left brain equally with our right brain stress will be a thing of the past and we will live in harmony.
A client (Anne) presented recently for life coaching and among her health issues was high blood pressure. Our interpretation of “high blood pressure” fits into the Beta polarity; however when these polarities are seen as “energy” the situation is easily rectified. Anne had resigned herself to the fact that her mother had high blood pressure so was willing to accept this diagnosis as ‘fate’. The truth was revealed after the horse tapped into her subconscious mind. She is a very strong but gentle woman with a very demanding vocal husband who was always talking and demanding her attention. Over the years without realising it he had been draining her energy and putting her in a constant state of stress. Her gentle disposition and “natural” Alpha state of being was constantly being bombarded by his chatter which switched her to the “higher” Beta frequency, upsetting her nervous system and causing her to have insomnia and high blood pressure. She also saw the same “pattern” with her mother’s relationship with her father and that it was only the “habit” that was “hereditary” NOT the physical problem of high blood pressure. This new truth resonated within her “knowingness” and allowed her to reassess the situation and take back some control of her life.
Our horse facilitator sees the potential within our energy field and will only respond to a positive SPIRIT so anything that sits in a person’s aura as disease, poor me, low self esteem etc be they conscious or unconscious thoughts are identified during the session and mirrored by our horse’s response.
The Alpha frequency prevails throughout all matter as the coherent rhythm of the Universe and to live in peace and harmony we must now integrate the higher frequencies of the Left Beta brain into the right brain
To keep safe in the past we had to rely on the left logical brain but to now evolve spiritually we will need to balance the two and use them equally, meaning that to open the channel to higher wisdom and allow the insights to flow we must retrain ourselves to utilize more of our right brain.
This example was shown to me as a “flying” analogy........... With a limited licence, to fly a small aircraft requires a “visual” perspective; the pilot predominantly relies on his 5 senses to manoeuvre his aircraft with limited use of instruments. Whereas if he was “instrument rated” it would mean he could fly in clouds etc even when visibility was limited. If we were to relate being “visual” with the left brain and “instrument” rated/ (i.e. trusting on a force outside of our “logic”) with the right brain, we would see the analogy of the need to rely on both avenues of information equally.
Einstein’s hypothesis is that we only use a very small percentage of our brain and refers to our left brain; to reverse this we will need to learn how to “swap the driver’s seat”, to go from predominantly using our left brain to using our right and left brain become the co-creators of our future we will need to be like our pilot and implement the creative input of our intuitive right brain and then step it out with the information gathered locally from our logical left brain...........but first we must recognise the Alpha frequency and open the heart centre..............Because our horse believes in him/herself, has this centre open and is a clear channel to wisdom within the Alpha brain frequency he/she will show us how to do this
Our horse life coach can also “pick up” things that are holding us back, beliefs we might have about ourselves due to family or hereditary “programming”. Another example of this is a client who was unaware of a “block” that was causing stagnation in her life caused by a deeply held negative belief.
She had been trying to get a business off the ground that would not only be a source of income but a wonderful opportunity to help others. However the energy to materialize this vision and take the idea from the creative right brain to the “doing” stage had been stuck for years, no matter what she did nothing happened.
During a session her equine coach “showed” her that due to a negative belief system her subconscious mind, without her realising it, was sabotaging her efforts. It was revealed that growing up she had been told over and over by her father that she did not “deserve” this or that. In its simplicity correcting this misunderstanding over one word changed everything. How could she move on, walk her path and “serve” if she was programmed to “de-serve”
The horse only needs to see an open heart and that we are ready for change and........magic happens
Our horse shows us that although our ego is flawed and riddled with self-doubt our indestructible spirit within prevails as a powerful force waiting to be realised and potentiated
All pain will cease once we align our ego with our evolving spirit, once we let go and consciously recognise our role in the “plan” of Global Coherence ..........or Oneness
Holistequine runs workshops, private sessions and online courses for students and clients
Veronica Garrett has worked for many years to understand how horses (as a mirror to Spirit) can play an integral part in our Spiritual evolution and has developed a system for integrating the left and right brain to potentiate human consciousness offers courses, workshops & private sessions
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