Children are innocent human beings, who are pure at heart and know no evil. From the time they are born, they are completely dependent on their parents, to provide and to take care of them. As they grow up, they slowly learn to stand on their own feet and become independent. Children, who are brought up in a loving and supportive environment, where they are given opportunities to succeed, will grow up to be responsible adults.

The Government has outlined the rights of children, in order to make sure that kids are brought up in a suitable environment. These rights include freedom of expression, information, protection against abuse, right to education and the right to health and nutrition. It is against the law to rob a child of these basic privileges.

However, in spite of these laws an increasing number of crimes are being committed against children every day. This trend is prominent among people living under the poverty line. With a constant shortage of money, they are left with no option but to pull their children out of school, because they cannot afford the investment. Millions of children, all over the country drop out of school before completing the seventh grade.

Girl child education is especially neglected. Many girls are not given the opportunity to study and learn. Those who are enrolled in school end up dropping out at an early age. Thus, they do not have enough time to develop their skills and to learn enough to become independent and earn a living.

There are a number of charities that are devoted to girl’s education. These organizations collect funds in order to provide underprivileged girls with a basic education. Girls are taught to read and write they also learn certain skills that will help them later on in life. This way, they are provided with the tools they need to take on life and to earn a steady income.

In order for our country to progress, it is important that its citizens are educated. As the numbers of literate people increases the quality of jobs they receive will also improve. They will be offered higher wages and can thus, overcome poverty.

You and I were lucky enough to be born into good families who are well off. We were not deprived of our basic rights and we were given a chance to succeed. Now, as responsible residents of the country, we must do all that we can to ensure that those who are less fortunate than us, are given the opportunity to succeed. We must join hands and speak up so that every child in our country is protected and given the chance to grow and flourish.

Author's Bio: 

CRY India promotes the rights of children, and promote girl child education in India. Let us together support CRY India to endow a better future to the deprived children.