You already know that what everyone else is telling about getting your wife back won't save your marriage...

Every time you've tried getting your wife back thus far has been either ineffective or, worse yet, pushed her even further away.

Please don't think that this is your fault!

It is absolutely not your fault at all; it is the strategies and techniques that you have been taught to get your ex wife back that are to blame. Not very many men truly understand how women work and how to "turn them on" to you.

As a result you have been told misinformation and theoretical advice that has no ties to real life or your relationship to your wife. In fact, this same misinformation has led to many 'nother an abandoned husband

The Key to Getting Your Wife Back is Building Attraction

If you can do that, then every problem, every bit of blame, all the discontent, will suddenly come into question in her mind, and it won't be long before she falls head over heels in love with you once again.

But how do you do that, exactly?

It sounds like an obvious or overly simplistic way to save your relationship, but it isn't!

To build attraction you have to change the way your wife FEELS about you, and that is the core strategy needed to get your wife to fall back in love with you. Communication, counseling, intimacy time, etc, are all great, but they won't actually change anything about your wife's FEELINGS, and because of that, you will never get anywhere.

Even if you attended 10 sessions with a marriage counselor and finally saw a breakthrough - You got to a point where both you and your wife were feeling really good in the session, and you whole heartedly believe things had changed - As soon as you get back home and real life happens, it will take less than 10 minutes for your wife to do a complete 180 on you.


Because you never changed the way she FEELS, and she'll always listen to a little bit of emotion over any amount reason.

So, let's think biologically about how to get your wife back...

Women are Programmed to Follow the Alpha Male

Both men and women are universally attracted to certain characteristics in the opposite gender. No matter how hardened her heart is right now, it is a biological fact that women have a primal attraction to the type of man who they believe can provide for them best - In other words, the Alpha Male.

Women always want to be with the biggest, strongest and most ferocious 'Lion', if you will.

Right now, I think you agree that you are nowhere close to being a 'Lion'...Right now you probably better resemble a sheep...No offense to you, of course, because as I already said it is NOT your fault. We live in a weirdly dysfunctional society; it's just bad luck.

Don't dwell on it, just focus on moving forward. In fact, this should be good news to you because right now you are getting the KEY to saving your marriage.

Re-ignite that hope; don't let regret stop you.

Women Will Always Follow Leadership They Can't Help 'That Feeling'

Leadership is the single quality that will most attract a woman to you, and that includes your wife. I know that I'm about to sound sexist right here, but women are biologically programmed to follow, support and care for their family. They're programmed to find men desirable who are obviously able to lead them and provide for them and thrill them.

Many times when I tell men that they need to gain the attributes of a leader to fulfil their biblical duties and get their wives back, they look at me with sadness and say "But Jack, I'm not a leader; I've never been an extrovert, are you telling me I can't get my wife back?"

No! Absolutely not! You can get your wife back!

You're just thinking too literally. Let's talk about what really defines a leader, because it's certainly not about how many people you have underneath you. It's about the way you present yourself to your wife.

Author's Bio: 

I'd like you to learn more about how to become the leader-husband you were meant to be, so this is what I'd recommend you do now:

Is your wife attracted to you? Are you a good husband?

Of course, everything I'm recommending you here is 100% free, so you've got nothing to lose.

Alternatively, if you'd rather read more about specifically what you can do to become an attractive leader to your wife, then I'd suggest you click below to read more from the original article: Getting Your Wife Back

Either way, thanks for reading!