It's the age-old problem universal to all men. They may be already physically free of the wrong woman for them, whether they were the one to do the breaking up or vice versa. But...
They are still impaired by her, ruled by her, whether still in contact from a few days ago and either obsessed or guilted, or whether it happened years ago in a divorce and she's moved on but you haven't.
Well so many questions have arisen this week that return one way or another to this age-old problem that we just had to find a way to address it with the best combination of our offerings and advice.
1. The first thing a man needs is HOW-TO kinds of knowledge.
How do I get mentally FREE of her?
Freedom is an ultimate masculinizing force that makes you feel better as a man. In the Mature Masculine Power Program we call this the Odysseus Instinct.
Yet on the topic of Breaking Up we give you all you can handle in the Masculine Intelligence in Breaking Up Program.
2. The second thing a man needs is soothing for the wounds - whether he started the process of loss or she did.
He needs hope and optimism and support, but much more. He needs to know that he can dig down deep and REINVENT himself. To feel power, and a sense of resources, backup, and peace after the storm of loss, shame and embarassment.
And this goes for ANY man, even years after a memorable traumatic loss of a woman. It's not just for sad-sack, down-mood guys. It's for any guy who has ever lost someone and wants to be free and clear of the negative vibe, forever.
That takes us into the Depresculinity Program - a program that will make you feel GREAT, and the likes of which doesn't exist anywhere in the world.
Truth be told, it is probably the most powerful program we have. It's "superfood" for a man's soul and sense of power-identity.
Well, we realized that these two programs paired together are a potent mix of male empowerment, no matter what your situation is right now.
Watch the Depresculinity Program FIRST if you are just a guy looking for a severe ego boost in life, and watch the Masculine Intelligence in Breaking Up Program first if you are ever, ever, EVER influenced by a bad experience with a woman from the past.
But DO see them one right after the other.
Combined, they would normally cost over $900, but until this sunday night, they are available TOGETHER for only $300 as one Combo-Pack. See either description to scoop them up:
There's one more thing a guy has GOT to have to get over something in the past with women. He now has KNOW-HOW in the HOW-TO of solving this bane of male existence.
3. Now he has to take ACTION.
Physical action for men is more than just "doing." It's masculinizing and empowering in the sense of deep, solid IDENTITY as a man to take effective action that betters his life in the area of women.
And so, for those who want to add the final step of "knocking it out of the park" with the area of women and dating, I am giving the above Combo-pack away FREE to men who get themselves to New York City for dating and attraction Bootcamp Training this Fri-Sat (both nights only for this deal) - which is already at the lowest price we have ever done - the first night of getting all the in-person, live instruction of the Omega Male Program taken to action out on the town in the biggest male-friendly city in America... the first night for $500 and the second night for $250 more.
And you get the Masculine Intelligence in Breaking Up Program and the Depresculinity Program FREE:
The male instinct that a live training amplifies and fills you with is called the Odysseus Instinct - the power of adventure and exploration. Nowhere better than New York.
Oh yes, forgot. Anyone who does our live trainings also gets the $500 course called the Virtual Dating Coach on audio, FREE, as your everlasting follow-up brush up training - so that you NEVER forget what you learn on the weekend... is the HOW-TO of every action needed to be successful with women. And works exactly like a live coach in your pocket, on an MP3 player.
It can't wait any longer. It's time to do something about the woman you "hold a candle for" and have had trouble getting over...
It's $500 for the first night and $250 for the SECOND. That's right, and it also comes with the $500 Virtual Dating Coach, FREE, and the Omega Male Program Video Streaming subscription FREE. And oh yes, LIFETIME Men's Psychology On Demand Membership. Look, it's only THREE DAYS from now, so what are you thinking? That's $5000 PLUS worth of our products and trainings for only FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!
Paul Dobransky, M.D. is a board-certified psychiatrist, public speaker and relationship expert who has treated more than 10,000 patients in 15+ years in clinical psychiatric care. Journalists and clients worldwide have sought Dr. Paul's advice on dating, relationships and all aspects of human psychology.
Dr. Paul pioneered MindOS, a new, patent-pending approach to understanding relationships, mood problems and stress. MindOS synthesizes all schools of therapy into a single, effective system-based approach that uses plain language to help people understand psychology and solve problems. Go to to learn more.
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