Like any of the investments on this planet, share market investing is also prone to risks. So while getting a grasp on share market basics, you should also attain all the information regarding what are all those risks that are attached with share market trading and in what ways each one of those risks can affect your investments.

It is an open secret that trading in share market reaps enough gains for people. But it also has a downside risk, that is, people also suffer losses in stock market. To all those investors who are uneducated or partially informed about the way share market operates, they relate share trading with gambling. On quite the contrary, investing mindlessly in share market is sheer stupidity as it increases risk of losing money manifolds. An investor should invest only after he/she has a reason to find potential in a company. In order to find potential of a company, one has to take help of various valuation tools, have to analyze financial reports, etc.

However, even after making educated and informed investment decisions, the risks and their probabilities decrease geometrically, though they are not absent altogether. Among these risks, following are few of the most noted risks.

Capital loss – The amount of money you spent to purchase shares of a company is actually the capital. And if you sell those very shares at a lower price, it will result in a capital loss, that is, not being able to realize that much amount that you spent to buy those shares.

Stocks’ Volatility – There are many reasons, which can be both internal and external in nature, which influence the volatility in value of stocks. In plain simple words, a share’s price can increase or decrease as a result of any of such reasons.

Market Timing – Whoever tells you that there is a right time to invest in share market then that person is actually taking you for a ride. It is humanly impossible to be clued on to each and every transaction at every moment and then predict the outcome within a jiffy! On top of it, you also can’t be updated on every single happening occurring in every part of the world that might have some sort of bearance over the share market.

Ineffective advice – The broker you take investment advices and recommendations from should be having a good track record and gives premier and credible advisory service at reasonable rates. Since they are the ones who are believed to be experts in share market investments, their recommendations means a lot. But if you end up listening to a not-so-credible broker, your chances of losing money increases.

Author's Bio: is beginners guide. Learn Basics of Share Market, share market india, Indian share market, share market basics, share market fundamentals, share market terms, stock exchange basics, BSE NSE basics.