Texas payday loans with no credit check are available for most Texans even with poor or bad credit. Payday loans are emergency cash loans for those who cannot obtain a typical loan, have no credit card credit available, and have average to poor credit. They are fee-based loans and are intended to be paid back on the due date agreed upon with your lender. Extending a payday loan can be costly and should be avoided in any case.
CashOne (affiliated with a licensed Texas lender) offers payday loans throughout the Lone Star state, including Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Amarillo, El Paso, Fort Worth, Abilene, Corpus Christi and other great cities across the state. Texas payday loans with no credit check are a standard offering from CashOne.
What are the basic Texas payday loan terms and conditions?
- Legal Status - Payday Loans are Legal
- Interest Rate (APR) - Can be very high, 600% or more
- Maximum Loan Amount - $500 for first-time borrowers and for repeat customers can go as high as $1,500
- Minimum Loan Term - 7 days
- Maximum Loan Term - Varies depending on the loan
- Number of Rollovers Allowed - None
- Maximum Finance Charges - Varies based on the loan amount, for example, >$100 loans, $10 + $4/month for each $100 of the loan
What are the basic eligibility criteria for Texas payday loans with no credit check?
- You must have an open bank account in your name
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must live in the state of Texas and provide a residence address
- You must have a valid phone number (cellphone is fine)
- You must have a verifiable income source (disability, social security, unemployment may qualify if you are not working currently)
Why should you select a licensed direct lender in Texas?
A state-licensed direct lender for your online payday loans in Texas provides service from the loan request which hardly takes 2-3 minutes, to all the way to instant approval without any hassle, keeping all your information secure.
Reference URL: https://www.cashone.com/texas-payday-loans
Robin Williams is an Executive at CashOne, which serves to connect consumers across the U.S. quickly with its authorized lender network for payday loans online. Robin has more than 20+ years’ experience in Administrative Management, with several years in the lending industry.
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