The problem of getting rid of flabby arms is very common. Many people have this problem, especially women. Women store the fat in their arms, hips and buttocks, and men store most of the fat in their stomachs.

The muscle responsible for flabby arms is the triceps. Many people tend to think that you can get rid of the problem area with specific exercises for that area. The best way get rid of flabby arms is with overall fitness combined with specific arm exercises.

Here are some exercises for the triceps that will help you get rid of fat stored in your arms.

Seated overhead triceps presses

Grab a dumbbell with both hands and sit down on a bench with back support. Hold the dumbbell behind your head, grasping one knobby end with both hands, keep your head and back straight.

As you inhale, lower the dumbbell behind your head while keeping your upper arms and elbows still, only bending your lower arms. Raise it back over your head while exhaling.
The movement should be made slowly in order to get the best results.

One hand cable extensions

Attach a cable handle to the top portion of cable machine. Using one hand, grab the handle with your palm facing up. Start the movement with your hand at chin level. Pull the handle down while keeping your elbow locked. Breath out as you lower your hand until your arm is straight.

Keep your upper arms stationary at all times. Slowly return to the starting position and inhale as you perform the movement. Contract your triceps when your hand is lifted to the chin level.

Dumbbell floor presses

Grab a couple of dumbbells in your hands and lay down on the floor. Your arms should be fully extended above you. Inhale as you lower the weights until your elbows touch the ground.

While exhaling, push up the weights and bring them together at the top when your arms are fully extended.

Here are other exercises that will help you tone your triceps and get rid of those flabby arms.

- Weighted dips
- Close grip bench press
- Close grip push ups
- Overhead cable extensions
- Reverse cable press downs

Check out - Exercises for your Biceps for more info on training, nutrition and health.

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