In my last article, we discussed the seven causes of all disease and I briefly mentioned the 20 Steps To Perfect Health. If you haven’t taken the time to look over or better yet, print out this list, I strongly recommend you do so. You can find the list at Print it out and put it on your refrigerator. It’s designed as a checklist, so work your way through until you’ve either done everything on the list, or until your health is at the level you want it.
Today, I’d like to discuss with you one of the most important items on that list: Taking whole food supplements. Now, a lot of people take supplements these days, but I find they’re usually taking the wrong stuff. First, they decide what to take based on an article they read or some other generic resource. For example, they’ll arbitrarily decide to take vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium, while completely ignoring the hundreds of other nutrients needed for good health. And second, they take supplements that are chemical in nature (in fact most supplements come from pharmaceutical manufacturers) and designed by people. With no disrespect to those who design supplements, these people’s knowledge about nutrition is wholly inadequate when compared to Mother Nature’s. In an ideal world, we would get all our nutrition from our food. Unfortunately, most of us don’t eat like we should and even if we did, with the gradual loss of nutrients from the soil and non-organic, a.k.a. “conventional farming methods”, our food no longer contains enough of the nutrients needed for health. So the need for supplements is now a well-established fact of life. The question is, which supplements?
Almost without exception, the supplements you buy in a store are man made. These chemicalized vitamins are not the same thing as what is found in food. In many cases, the starting materials are non-food sources, but even if they start out as food, once they’re separated from their synergists they no longer work like they should. As an analogy, if I took your watch off your wrist, took it apart and gave you all the pieces back, would you be happy? Would the watch work the same? No. Despite having all the parts, the synergy, i.e. the whole being more than the sum of the parts, would be lost. It’s the same with nutrition. But it’s actually worse than this. With vitamin C, for example, they don’t even give you the entire vitamin, let alone its synergists. With vitamin C, they only give you the antioxidant portion of the vitamin, called ascorbic acid. This is essentially the protective outer layer of the vitamin complex. This is like giving you the banana peel, but not the banana. So to make up for this fact, they give you huge doses, something that never occurs in nature. Your body sees this huge dose as a toxic amount of a fractionated vitamin and is forced to deal with it. In order to utilize as much of it as possible, your body will pull the required synergistic elements from your reserves in an attempt to re-assemble whole vitamin C complex. Eventually, these reserves will be depleted and you will be left with a vitamin C (banana) deficiency and a huge excess of ascorbic acid (banana peels) lying around. The same thing is done with vitamin E where the d-alpha tocopherol fraction is used instead of real whole vitamin E. D-alpha tocopherol is actually only one-eleventh of the entire vitamin E complex. Using just this fraction makes it 99 percent ineffective and even harmful to your body.
Perhaps you’ve been confused by nutrition research in the past. You see one article that claims people who are deficient in vitamin C catch more colds; then you see several studies showing that giving patients “vitamin C” (ascorbic acid) doesn’t help to prevent colds. Or you see a study claiming how important vitamin E is; meanwhile, another study shows that rats who are bred to be deficient in vitamin E and who are given vitamin E die sooner than those not receiving the vitamin. On the surface, this is confusing and conflicting information, but when you understand this a little deeper, it all makes sense. Giving synthetic, fractionated vitamins (which is what was done in these studies) rarely has the desired effect on a body that was designed by nature.
Minerals are similar. We must get our minerals from plants. We cannot lick the rust off a car bumper and say we got our iron for the day. Nor can we chew up some limestone and call that our calcium supplement. Plants turn rock minerals into the sort of minerals that we can use. And yet, most calcium supplements you find are calcium carbonate, which is literally limestone! Your body cannot absorb this form of calcium and even if it could, it would require a tremendous amount of energy to transform it into a form of calcium you could actually use. These supplements are a complete waste of money.
For my first several years of practice, I tried using these synthetic, fractionated, man made vitamins and minerals and saw no results whatsoever. It didn’t take long for me to become frustrated and I started looking for other ways health could be achieved. I eventually stumbled upon my answer. Supplements that come from nature.
The supplements I use now come from food. As a matter of fact, they ARE food, just ground up and made into pills. They’re grown on an organic farm in Palmyra, Wisconsin. The company has been around since 1929 and they are meticulous about their processes from the farming to the bottling of the finished product. Doctors who use these products become raving fans because they see amazing improvements in their patients’ lives. The company is called Standard Process. This is not meant to be a commercial for them. I have no financial interest in the company at all. I just find their products to be the very best supplements in the world. I could not get the miracles I see in my patients without these incredible whole food supplements.
It’s very likely, even if you’re a supplement buff, that you’ve never heard of Standard Process. This is because they only sell to healthcare providers. It takes a lot of knowledge and training to understand how to use these products properly and the labels they use do not make self-prescribing for the lay person a legitimate option.
So what do you do? Well, first of all, you need someone guiding your nutrition. I have someone guiding me. I suggest you do the same. Find someone in your area that carries Standard Process supplements and get in to see them. Have them assess you and find out what you need to be taking. has a function that will refer you to someone in your area. Just put in your name, email and zip code and they will send you a list of healthcare providers in your area that carry their products.
If you’ve never gotten the results you were after with nutritional supplements, I’m not surprised. I never had either, until I tried using whole food concentrates. These products are literally a different breed altogether. Give them a try. Once your doctor or practitioner finds the right recipe of supplements for you, your health will blossom. It has to. That’s how nature works!
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Dr. Brad Case is the author of "Thugs, Drugs and the War On Bugs," Book I in the Why We're Sick™ healthcare series and co-author of "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Health." He writes a quarterly newsletter, a monthly e-newsletter and is the clinic director of the Holistic Healing Center in Prunedale, California. To learn more or to sign up for his free e-newsletter, visit his You can also follow him on Twitter @drbradcase or become a fan of Holistic Healing Center or Why We're Sick on Facebook.
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