Genital herpes is broadly prevalent sexually transmitted infection which has infected many sexually active people across the world. This growing infection is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). Type 1 HSV mostly leads to cold sores on mouth, while Type 2 HSV can cause genital herpes. Leaving the herpes infection untreated can make you more vulnerable to lethal STIs such as HIV virus. Apart from spreading through unprotected sex with an infected person, it can also transmit from an infected mother to her child during birth. The health specialists suggest some effective anti-viral treatments to help you with clearing up of the infection. Here are some useful steps which you should take to prevent genital herpes transmission.

• Keep the communication channels open: It is not advisable to hide the fact of STIs from your partner. If you are suffering from herpes then you need to openly discuss it your partner so that the transmission of virus prevented. Although it might affect you sexual relationship temporarily, it can get you the support of your partner. You can accordingly look for a prescription medication for avoiding genital herpes transmission.

• Seek a treatment: If you have been detected with genital herpes, you need to prevent the passing of genital herpes virus by starting with a prescription treatment. There are numerous suppressive therapies and oral medications which can help to manage the painful symptoms of genital herpes. Once you start with a treatment, you can observe noticeable changes in few days.

• Identify the symptoms of a herpes outbreak: You need to be aware of the early warning signs of an outbreak so that you can recognise the symptoms without any delay. In some rare cases, the virus can still spread when there are no signs of herpes sores or blisters.

• Using condoms: This is one of the best things you can do to prevent the occurrence of any kind of sexually transmitted infection. The use of condoms can radically reduce the chances of transmission of STIs. As long as contraceptive accidents don’t occur, it can decrease the risk of transmission by at least 50%

The infection of genital herpes has a tendency to remain latent in the body for a long time and can become active unexpectedly. Aciclovir, an effective antiviral, can treat genital herpes infection by controlling the recurrent outbreaks. It also minimise the pain and uneasiness of this viral infection. It obstructs the replication and spreading of the herpes cells within the body so that the healthy cells do not get affected. DNA polymerase is an important viral enzyme which is required for the reproduction of herpes cells so that the virus can extend all through your body.

However, Aciclovir blocks the enzyme DNA polymerase and thus prevents the further spread of herpes virus in your body. This medication, along with body’s natural immune system, effectively removes the infection from your system. Genital herpes can be treated with 200mg dosage strength of Aciclovir, which is taken five times a day for five days. You should not take this medication if you are suffering from diabetes, kidney problems or you are taking medications such as cimetidine or cyclosporine. The commonly reported side effects of this anti-viral medication are nausea, skin irritation, headaches, stomach upset, vertigo, diarrhoea and weakness. The medical professionals also suggest using a clinically proven medication known as Famvir. It comes in two dosage strengths of 250mg and 500mg. The 500mg dosage is used for controlling an outbreak of cold sores or shingles, while 250mg dosage is a long-term treatment for genital herpes.

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Written by Adelisa Neumark who is webmaster and content writer at,a leading online clinic in Ireland.You can learn more about various options of STI treatment at