Now, let's talk SEX!!! Another term just ended of Human Sexuality and need to move away from the textbook education to perhaps more real-world and practical knowledge..

Desire can be killed as many know through emotional well as medical issues (As I noted a few articles ago) many doctors and of course the pharmaceutical companies want you to take medications, testosterone, etc to liven you up your libido or desire!

I'm also going to step away from stereotypes regarding desire as well, including the medical conditions, though those are not to be ignored. Desire gets killed from emotional disconnect, not feeling loved, desired, respected, cherished, perhaps even poor hygiene (aka: lack of respect for your partner as starters). So where does the stereotypes come in? Those domains above are also created in men! Yes, not just women!

Most women would say that sex for men is mainly physical! Sadly, this is true for some men. However, sex for most men (yes, me too!) means connecting in both mind, body, spirit/soul with our loved one.

The ancient question though, is how do men and women get on the same page regarding these emotional connective tools? Women do need to feel loved, desired, cherished, and respected. Men do too!

I will hit on promoting the most deepest connection you could have with your partner in a bit. A connection that involves the mind, body, and soul intertwined into a great experience.........and it is not just the physical.
For those that may already have this connection.

Greg Dudzinski, MS, LPC

Author's Bio: 

Licensed Professional Counselor, and Relationship Expert.
Helping build stronger, deeper, more passionate and intimate relationships than ever experienced!
Attentive Relationship Therapy, PLLC